Hurt, or a Monster? *Part one of chapter 51*

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Third Person-

Five Thirty A.M., November 24, Day of the AMA’s.

“Five more!” A booming Australian voice shouted out at the young girl while she was throwing stronger and stronger punches at the Australian man’s protected hands. A clear drip of sweat was trickling down her face tickling her baby hair by her ears. Her breath coming out in short puffs as she hit the pads harder and harder than the one before. Her arms feeling numb, but she knew once she gave 90% she would be starting over. She knew that fans and paparazzi were taking pictures of her jumping body in her Nike running shorts and a Lulu Lemon tank top. She could feel their eyes waiting for her to stop as she hit the pads five more times, three with her left, and two with her dominate.

Once the man dropped his hands, hers flew to her working abs, she could feel them hardening as before her stomach was squish. She grasped her water bottle with shaking, taped, hands. She swiftly brought it to her mouth groaning with the protesting in her arms. She didn’t see the boys coming toward her as Emmett handed her a jump rope in exchange for the water bottle. Her hands unwrapped the sticky white tape on her knuckles. She began to jump at a quick and swift pace as she counted the seconds between her feet hitting the pavement and the snapping movement of her wrist as she moved herself faster and faster. She closed her eyes as she could hardly make out the conversation between her body guard and the band that was complicated with her.


Nine Thirty A.M., November 24. Ten hours before the AMA’s.

She walked out of the beauty parlor, her ends of her long and wavy locks a light purple. She ran her hand through her semi dyed tresses smiling at the smooth and soft locks of her hair. She walked down the street her eyes concealed from the early morning LA sun. The streets were filled with cars as morning rush to work was beginning to take place. Her thoughts drifted to what it would be like to have a normal job. Would she be cooped up in an office job the whole day? This thought made her shudder as she knew she wouldn’t be able to take sitting down all day long, and being in an office cubical made her cringe.

Would she be at a traveling job then? She decided she would as she has always wanted to travel the world, and now she was. She was on a world tour, this was almost unheard of. An uprising star’s first tour a world tour. It was called the Perfect Tour as her first track off of the album was in fact the song Perfect. She knew that she was extremely lucky as her success was almost as quick as One Direction’s. She didn’t nearly have as many fan’s though, as her Twitter followers only reaching two million. She was living the dream, but her dream was built off of something that she didn’t have now. It was like she was playing a game and the game malfunctioned and she skipped over six or seven levels. It felt like she didn’t deserve to be in this spot light.

Twelve thirty P.M., Seven hours before the AMA’s

Liam P.O.V-

“-And time is frooozeen-”

Harry’s majestic voice came through the empty arena that was going to hold the astounding AMA’s. There were people casually sitting in seats typing away on computers, others adjusting lights or polishing the black floors making it shine. I wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on, I already knew these lyrics by heart and we’ve preformed it so many times. I guess I wasn’t quiet paying attention as I was zoning out, but then I felt a light punch on my arm. I jumped up, startled, and dropped my microphone, the black, plastic object landed with a huge and high pitched squeal like a young piglet.

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