You're perfect *Ch 15*

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We arrived back at the modern building; the walls were a brick but the doors were a glass with stainless steel hinges. In all the building it was beautiful, I swung open the car door and breathed in the fall September air. I stepped out with one leg and out of the corner of my eye I saw the stupid flashes of paparazzi, I groaned and hurried my pace to the front door. I grabbed the steel handle and pulled it, when I was swinging it open I hit Louis in the face.

 "Oh my gosh! Lou I'm SO sorry!" I said turning to him, he got hit straight in the face. Perfect, straight in front of the press too!

"Well I guess that's karma." He mumbled clutching his cheek; I giggled and walked in following the boy with the hurt cheek.

"Hello!" Simon greeted us again, his attention turned to Louis when he saw him holding his cheek.

"Did he get hit with the door again?" He asked placing a hand on his hip and shaking his head.

"Yup!" Liam said popping his p, I twirled a piece of hair around my finger and it caught Simon's eye.

"So that is what you did to your hair?" He asked coming closer and pulling my hair his way.

"Yeah so you like it?" I asked him slightly turning my head his way; he was silent for a moment scaring me. I glanced over at the boys who were running hands through their hair.

"Yeah, it's amazing! But I need to talk to you six about something." He said letting go of my colored hair, I turned to face the man who was now smiling.

"Grace, you're going to be writing your first song! And after it's been released you're going to write an album and then go on a worldwide 2013 tour!" He informed us in an excited voice; I held up a hand and brought my head back.

"Wait, I'm supposed to have 12 songs written in the next few months?!" I said confused on how that was even possible!?

"Yup!" He said before turning to talk to the lady at the desk.

"You can go now!" He said turning back to us and waving his hand, I turned on my heel and walked next to the lads.

"Looks like I'll be the new Taylor Swift huh?"

 I grumbled pushing the door open and stalking out, I began thinking of lyrics. I kept coming back to my past but I really didn't want to think about that now. I slid into the limo and tapped my fingers against my chin.

 "Don't stress Hun!" Zayn said patting my back, I sighed and put my head in between my hands.

“How will I ever come up with 12 songs in a couple months?!” I mumbled into my hands,

“Don’t worry will help you!” Harry said lifting my head, I nodded and starting playing out beats with my fingers against the faux wood trim on the car.

 I started playing with the ends of my hair and then an idea sparked into my head. I shot up in the car a little bit too fast because I hit my head on the roof.

 “Are you okay?!” Louis said catering to my aid, I nodded and then started making more of the lyrics mentally. When we stopped at the flat, I unbuckled myself from the car and I dove over Harry and Liam.

“Move you lazy butts!” I said scrambling off of their laps, I ran into the flat almost making a hole in the wall. I flew up the stairs with my shoes still on, I grabbed my Happy Diary and began jotting down the lyrics.



I’m done!” I cried holding up my four page song, I messed up sometimes with the words but I have it done. I understand why I kept thinking of my past. It’s my past inspired the song. I began singing it softy with writing down the notes for the drum and guitar. I was done with everything and my hand was cramping like hell but I just had to sing it with a guitar for myself.

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