First Date or First Stalkers? *Chapter 12*

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  I walked back into the non-cozy flat unlike Cameron’s. His mother was so sweet and caring, nothing like my own mother.

“Grace, where on earth have you been?!”

I heard a voice boom at me; I currently was facing the wooden, front door with my back to the owner’s voice.

  “I was at a friend’s house.”

I murmured turning to face all six of them; I could feel the smile that Cameron left on my face drop. I was only hoping for one of six, preferably Brooke.

“Whose house, may I ask?” Liam said with a hard voice, his eyes were dark with the burning fire of anger and disappointment. I scowled at all of them; I understand where they were coming from honestly.  Just couldn’t Brooke ask these questions?

I still get scared when they are mad, because of Louis’ reaction last time.

“No, you may not Liam.” I said plastering a fake smile on and I began walking up the staircase.

“You’re grounded for two months.” Harry said I spun around faster than your heartbeat when you see a man holding a gun. I saw Niall, and Zayn standing behind him backing him up.


I screamed, they just kept staring at me with hard glances as I ranted on, “If none of you got mad at me for no reason, I would not have ran out of the arena, I would not have met Cameron when I was walking back here, I would not have had made up with him, and I wouldn’t be in this argument with you.” I snapped at them, the look stunned, their mouths open as they took in their information I just told them.

“You were at Cameron’s?” Liam growled, I ignored the question and I kept on walking before I stopped at the very top of the stairs. I yelled down just to make them mad, “YES AND WE HAD CRAZY, HOT SEX! THE WHOLE BLOCK HEARD ME SCREAMING CAMERON’S NAME!”

I heard the gasps, I smiled deviously. Of course we didn’t have sex; I didn’t let him touch me! I ran into my room, and I slammed the door shut locking it and dragging my grey couch that I slept on last night over to the door. I walked over to my pink docking station and I put in my phone, I hit shuffle and ‘Pound the Alarm’ came on. 

I smiled and I began jumping up and down around my room. After my little ‘jam’ session, I plopped onto my bed heavily breathing. I was so out of shape! I thought to myself, I laughed quietly. What to do? Hmm a Twitcam? Why not! I walked over to the glass desk, plopping myself into my white chair. I turned on Safari, and logged into Twitter and tweeted

Doing a Twitcam! Come watch if you want to see 1D’s little sister! –xx Grace.  After I figured out how to set one up, I pulled one up. I had three thousand viewers or so, which was good. I had no make-up on, and my hair was in a bun.

  “Hiiii!” I said waving into the camera, the little box next to it blew up with ‘Hi!” and a few nasty comments, which of course I ignored them.

“So what do you little directioners want to know about me?” I said, putting my elbows onto the glass and my head into my palms. I scanned a few of them before picking one. (I have no clue if these are real twitters, except for Liam’s!)

“Well Star_Ships97 No I do not have a favorite out of the boys.” I was going to say more, but I stopped myself. I couldn’t announce I had a favorite! I read a few more tweets before picking one that would make any girl smile.

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