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Hold onto your seats tightly for this one...Hope, you like it...💕


"Just stop acting for God's sake and talk nicely to him just for once! Give him what he deserves which is love and not hatred. Give him the love of a father or just give him a closure. You can stop acting selfish for once!"

"I didn't wanted to behave like that with him! It hurts me also! But, I had to do it. . .against my will…" As soon as he said this, they both heard a clicking sound and the door opened.

They both faced Aditya standing at the door with his eyes widened and his face covered in a confused expression.

"What?" Aditya asked in a low voice.

"Vo..." Zoya trailed off.

"Nothing." Harsh said immediately. Zoya looked at him in shock to which he shook his head lightly.

"What did you say Mr.Hooda?"

"Aditya vo-"

"It was nothing."

Zoya signalled from her eyes to Mr.Hooda to tell Aditya everything but he kept denying, shaking his head lightly. Aditya looked between them unable to digest their drama more he said,"Will you both please stop it! I'm right here!"

He moved a little further into the room and stood infront of his father's bed.

"I heard what you said a few moments earlier..." He looked at at his father. "Infact, I heard everything..." He craned his head towards Zoya who stood there shocked. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to calm hinself.

"So, you were acting the whole time..." Aditya said in a low voice looking down on the floor.

"Adi, I wasn't actin-"

"I just now told you that I heard everything...please quit this act now..." Harsh looked down in his lap.

"Why...?" Aditya asked looking up at him.

"Why did you do it? Why!?" It wasn't his father yelling at him this time but him. His voice broke as he questioned him. The pain which accumulated throughout years was resurfacing again and was getting reflected in his voice.

"Adit-" Zoya said, trying to console him because she also felt the pain he was experiencing. She felt the intensity of it and couldn't do anything but try and reduce its intensity.

"No Zoya. Let me speak now. Let me fight my battles myself."

"And Mr.Hooda, will you please tell me! I kept cursing myself that I killed my mother that I killed our family. YOU kept cursing me. But, now I'm getting to know it was all fake...? Every insult, every ounce of hatred which I saw in your eyes, everything.... everything was fake... There must be a reason behind it...what was it Mr.Hooda..." He moved towards his bed and sat down on the floor on his knees.

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