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Welcome to the last chapter of this book...🥺 You read that right...🤧

Zoya's POV:

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Zoya's POV:

Till now I only heard that how much life can be unpredictable. But now, I believe it's true. I wasn't able to even think that Yash was cheating on me. But, he was. I never thought that I would visit a counselor to discuss the doubts which I had within myself but, I did. I never thought that I will make friends but, I did that too. And, I have the world's purest humans as my friends now. After Yash's death I thought I'll never be happy but then the happiness came in the form of Aditya. I thought that I'll never get my forever but Aditya did promise me. Life has been unpredictable from the start but still, at every point we think that we have understood it that, we can 'predict' what's going to happen. But, no. This is where we go wrong.

After Aditya's little reunion with his father, I thought everything will go back to normal. That Aditya will now finally get the love and care which he deserve. That he and his father can finally be themselves around each other. I thought. But, life doesn't go according to our thoughts. And that's what happened. Aditya's father is in a really critical condition now. That's what I can make out of the situation. Because we don't know what is happening on the other side of this wall.

Aditya was just as scared as a small child. He didn't even get to acknowledge what was happening around him. He was so much shocked and in a daze. It hurts me to see him like this. He is sitting on the chair just outside the door, on the closest one. His red, puffed eyes are fixed at nowhere in particular.

Should I say something? To console him? To tell him that everything will be fine when I myself don't know the truth... Should I just go and sit there beside him, telling him that he is not alone...that I'm with him...? Should I do something or should I just stand here and think about the worst...? What am I supposed to do? What would Aditya do if he was in my place?

He would have tried to reduce your sorrow and pain...

Maybe, I should try to do the same.

I go and sit on the chair beside his and keep an assuring hand on his shoulder and draw imaginary circles with my thumb on it. He didn't look at me but understood my gesture.

"Zoya, what if the bad omen that Pa was talking about is actually me...?"


"What are you saying Aditya?"

"What if I'm the bad omen?" He looks at me with tear filled eyes. "First," He looks away as ahe wipes a tear from his cheek.

"Don't talk like that Aditya...You know, it's not the truth..."

"What if I'm just holding onto the positive thoughts than the negative ones...?"

"That's what one should do Aditya... Negative thoughts should not even given a chance to think...You are doing good... Don't think anything like that..."

"I was so happy just few minutes ago...I even started imagining Pa back in my house...I thought it will be a small family... A family... that's what I thought about...You, me and would be perfect...but then..."

"Everything will be fine, Aditya..."

"Will I ever get to experience father's love...? Am I not worth it? Or am I not meant to ever experience that? I don't want to lose him...I can't...I-"

I rub his back as he swallows the lump in his throat.

"Aditya, I don't know what will happen...But, let's just hope that everything will be fine...I have full faith in God...He will surely show us the way... Everything happens according to His will...Our destinies were already written and we can't change that...we can just ask for strength and courage to overcome the difficulties which we are to face..."

"What if Pa..."

"Don't Aditya... Don't think like that...Just like opposite charges attract each other similarly negative thoughts attract negative energies...think positively... let's pray...God will surely listen to us..."

We join our hands and close our eyes as we try to ask for strength from Him.

'Please give strength to Aditya for whatever he has to face now...I don't know what will happen to his father...Please, save him...he is not a bad person...he just wanted to keep Aditya safe...Please, please don't snatch him from Aditya...he will not be able to bear that....please God...ple-'

Our small talk with God was broken by the opening of the door of the hospital room. We quickly stood up from the chair and approached him. The doctor came forward and said something.

". . ."

I always used to think that how can someone has the magical power to listen to what the other hasn't said. My mother has it. She always gets what my father or I am thinking. But, now I get it…you can feel this power with someone who is connected to you, who is so much closer to you than you even know ..and now I can feel this power as not only can I understand what he is thinking but also can feel the same as him, his body vibrates within my arms as he clings onto me and cries…his emotions merging with mine and our souls connected for a lifetime…


This book finally reached its end...🤧 I can't believe it...The epilogue will be coming soon...❤️

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