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This chapter is dedicated to DaniellaOkangba thank you!

Louise's P. O. V.
"I just love the smell of victory"I said, swimming out of the pool. I was at the swimming pool in one of my houses in Arizona. I flew Connor and I to have some quality time. It's what we do.

"What?"he asked, taking off his sunglasses, watching me walk towards him.

"I said I love the smell of victory"I said, bluntly.

"You haven't won yet"He said, handing me a towel.

"We just have to see about that"

"I don't understand why you have to watch Lincoln suffer"he said.

"I don't want to watch Lincoln suffer"

"Losing your phone will make you lose. How would you lose something that valuable. That phone is evidence"

"You really think so?" I laughed.

"You didn't?"

"I guess Lincoln's love for Anna is as hard as a rock"I laughed.

"I'm scared of what you do"He said, standing on his feet, placing a kiss on my lips and walking away. I watched him walk away until he was out of sight.

He doesn't understand.

Anna's P. O. V.
"Are you done?"I heard Lincoln ask, slightly knocking on the door.

"Yeah"I said, looking at the pregnancy test. He got in looking at me while I kept my eyes on the pregnancy test placed on the slab.

"What does it say?"he asked, looking at it. I could tell he was nervous.

"Double lines"I choked out, folding my arms. I closed the toilet seat, sitting on it, looking at Lincoln look at the pack for the meaning of what I just said. "It means I'm pregnant Lincoln"I blurted out. "Fuck no"I whispered, placing my elbow on my knees, with my face buried in my hands.

"You always say you want a baby"

"I didn't mean now"I said, looking at him. He seemed a little happy about it. "You're really happy about this?"I asked, trying not to be emotional and pissed about it.

"I mean... we're having a baby"

"This cannot be happening right now"I said, standing on my feet. "I have a tour coming on"I said, walking back to my bedroom.

"A tour?"he asked, surprised, walking behind me.

"Yes"I scoffed, plopping myself on my bed. My ringtone distracted me, ringing loudly. I took my phone, looking at caller ID to check who it was.

Oh shit my ride.

"Hey"I said.

"Miss Anna?"


"We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience but your car will be delivered tomorrow. There was a mix up. We truly are sorry"

"I thought y'all were reliable. At least that's what Leo said. I've been anticipating this"

"We're really sorry ma'am"

"I want it in tomorrow. Tomorrow or my money back. I don't have time for this right now" I said, hanging up.

"Everything okay?"

"Stupid car company. Why take so much time to deliver my ride?"I scoffed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were getting one? I would've..."

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