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Lincoln's P. O. V.

"So you're really not going to go see her?"Miranda asked, crossing her legs while laying on my bed. Kristen was seated by the window while I stood in front of my bed table, looking at my phone.

"She's gonna be so mad"Kristen said.

"Mad is an understatement"Miranda said.

"I shouldn't have"I said. "She probably knows by now"

"She's recovering. It's your fault she got involved in the accident and now you're not going to go see her?"Kristen asked. "Lincoln you were so fucking scared"

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore"I said, looking at my phone waiting for a text. "Y'all wanted me to get it and now I got it"

"Whoa don't get us wrong"Miranda said.

"We're talking about you going to see Anna. She literally died and now she's awake"Kristen said.

"She's home"I said, looking at my phone. "I told Leonardo to take her home"

"You can't be serious"Miranda said. "You couldn't go pick her up yourself?"

"Y'all get the fuck out of my house before I'm back. I don't wanna hear anything from you both"I said, rushing out with my heart beating extremely fast.

Anna's P. O. V.

"You really should go rest a little"Courtney said as soon as we stepped into my house.

Leonardo drove me home with Courtney seated on the passenger's seat. I could do nothing but think about Lincoln. He was on my mind.

"I'm fine"I said. "At least for now"I added, thinking of Lincoln. "Lincoln hasn't replied any of my texts or calls or voicemails. Like he's ignoring me"

"You can worry about Lincoln later. Your health matters right now"

"What happened when I was asleep?"I asked.


"What are you guys not telling me? Did something happen to Lincoln? Did he hurt himself?"

"No"she said. "He's fine"

"Then why the hell do you act awkward anytime I say his name?"

"Because he's an asshole okay? He's an asshole!"she shouted.

A loud knock distracted me from raising my voice at her. I rushed to the door, swiftly getting it opened, hoping it'd be Lincoln.

And it was.

He stared at me for a while before pulling me into a hug, making me walk backwards as he stepped in, slamming the door behind him. I wrapped my arms around him, loving his cologne smell. I missed hugging him. It felt like I haven't seen him in a long time.

"I thought I'd lose you"he said, pulling away, staring into my eyes.

"I'm right here"I said. "Why have you been ignoring my calls and texts?"I bluntly asked.

"I was um..."he drawled, looking above my head. "Hey Courtney"

"I'll be in the guest room"she said, ignoring his presence.

She's never acted like that.

"Why didn't you pick my calls?"I asked again, looking back at him.

"You should take a seat"he said, leading me to the couch.

"I don't wanna seat"I said, pulling my hand as fast as I could. "What's the problem Lincoln? What happened?"

"A lot happened that's why I want us to talk about it"he said, taking my hand.

"I'm better standing"

"I love you"he said. "I would do anything for you. I would never hurt you on purpose and I..."

"Get to the point Lincoln"I said, imagining he cheated on me. I could feel the heat inside me and my heart shattering into pieces as I imagined that.

"I got married to Louise"he blurted out.

"What?"I asked, confused. "I'm not catching up"

"I have to get married in order to take over my dad's company. Before then, I've always wanted to get married to you baby. It's always been you. Always. Even after you always try to change the marriage talk"

"You never told me that"

"Yeah"He said with guilt written all over his face.

"So you got married to your ex just so you could take over? The ex that kept calling your ass the other night? The ex that most likely hates me" I said, feeling my blood rising. "It all makes sense now"I said with a scoff.

"It's a fake marriage. I swear it is a fake marriage. Just for two weeks. I'll be filing for a divorce next two weeks"

"So let me get this straight... your ex is the only person you could fake a marriage with? Wow Lincoln"I said with a little laugh. "I die for a week and come back and my boyfriend is married to the ex he told me not to worry about..."

"I swear I'm not cheating babe. We just have to act like a couple for the media. Please Anna do not leave me I would literally die"

"You can literally die because I'm done"I said. "I'm totally done Lincoln. We're over. She's the only ex you never told me about. The only one whose number you still keep on your fucking phone. The only one who calls you nonstop and now you're married to her and here you are telling me it's all fake?"

"Anna you know I would never..."

"I don't know anything Lincoln. I really don't. It all makes sense"I interrupted.

"Please"he said, walking towards me.

"Don't"I said, taking a step back. "Just don't fucking try to come close and let everything slide after sex. You always seem to fucking do that. Not this time. I was never gonna be the perfect wife you wanted"I said.

"I don't need a perfect wife. Babe you're perfect for me"

"I was just for comfort. You never truly loved me did you?"

"Don't fucking say that"he said, getting upset. "I love you. Don't ever fucking say that. You don't know how much I love you. You have no idea. I stayed by your bedside. I didn't eat for days because I thought you were gonna forget me. I would literally turn the hands of time if I could so I could get married to you. It's you I have always wanted Anna. To get married to you. To have kids with you. It's my fault you had an accident. I'm sorry about that. I should have never yelled at you in the car. We shouldn't have had that stupid fight. I'm sorry"he said.  "Please"

I stared at him for a while, thinking about everything he just said. A part of me wanted him to pin me to the wall and swallow me right there so we could forget this whole thing ever happened but, I just couldn't allow that.

"We're over"I said, walking towards my room angrily, holding the tears from rolling down my eyes.

"Anna"he called.

"Drop my spare key on the table. Don't hold onto that anymore"I said, looking back at him.


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