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Lincoln's P. O. V.

"It's been like forever"I thought, looking at Anna lay unconscious. I just want her to yell at me, laugh... say something. I want her to say something. I kept looking at the heartbeat monitor, glad it was not beating really fast.

It's all my fault.

I got my phone out my pocket as soon as I heard it ring. I looked at the caller ID, indicating my secretary Ciara, calling. My job is the least thing on my mind now. I was glad it wasn't my temporary secretary Martha.



"Whatever you have to say be quick about it. I'm busy"I interrupted, looking at Anna.

"Three days from now, Mr Tennyson's company will be sold sir"

"And?"I asked, pissed she called me for that. I don't care about my dad's business.

For now.

"You said to always remind you. You didn't respond to my mails so I thought I'd call you to let you know"

"Thanks"I said, wanting to hang up.

"And Mrs Tennyson came over to the office early this morning to come see you. She said she was at your house"

"Is that all Ciara?"I rudely asked.

"Y-yes sir"she stuttered.

"Don't call me"I said, hanging up.

I looked at Anna, remembering what the doctor said. I don't want her to forget me, I don't want her to forget us. I intertwined my fingers with hers, wanting her to speak, laugh... make fun of me.

"Hey"I heard behind me. Miranda was standing by the door with a wry smile on her face.

"Hey"I said, watching her walk towards me.

"She's gonna be okay"she said.


"She's strong"

"She is"I said, giving her hand a light squeeze. "What if she does forget everything? Me?"

"Don't think like that. She's gonna be okay"she said.

"She will be"I said, not believing my own words.

"Um..."She said, breaking the little silence that emerged the room. "I was going to tell you something but ..."she paused, looking at Anna. "This isn't a good time"

"No it's fine"I said, waiting for her to speak.

"I'll just tell you when Anna's awake. You're quite stressed"

"No it's fine Miranda"I said, wanting her to speak.

"Promise you won't get mad"she said, cleaning the tears that rolled down her eyes.

"Are you seriously crying?"I asked, surprised, standing on my feet to go give her a hug. "It's okay"I said, hugging her.

"I swear you're gonna get really pissed at me. Especially Kristen"She said, pulling away. I waited for her to speak, wondering what was wrong.

"I'm pregnant"she said.

"Okay?"I asked, a little confused as to why she said I'd be angry about that. "Why would I be mad about that? That's good news"I said, happily.

"It's not good news Lincoln"she snapped.

"Okaaayy"I drawled. "Who's the father?"I asked, folding my arms, waiting for her to speak.

"I don't know how it happened. He just..."she paused. "I feel like an idiot after all he's done"she said. I knew who she was talking about.

"Don't tell me that's Connor's baby inside you"I said and she grew silent, looking at Anna. "Are you crazy?!" I shouted, angrily. "He beat you to a pulp Miranda! You didn't let anybody send his psychotic ass to jail for that!" I said, remembering how bad he beat her up.

Connor's a movie producer and an assaulter. I never liked him and he turned out to be a monster. No one had any idea what was happening because Miranda didn't tell anybody about it. She just said they were in a happy relationship. Lying to us. Kristen showed up at her place and found him punching her vigorously. I was angry immediately I got to hear what happened.

"I thought he was gonna change okay?!"she shouted.

"Change?"I asked, getting upset at what she said.

"You know what? It's my baby and I'm pregnant for Connor and whatever!"

"He's still gonna beat your ass and if he does I'm gonna kill him. I just can't believe this. You said you were done with him"

"I was. I am!"

"And now you're pregnant for the asshole!"

"He apologized and I accepted that okay?!"

"You accepted that?"I asked back, wondering what's gotten into her. "Are you on drugs M?"I rhetorically asked. "He put his hands on you!"

"I know that"

"And yet you fucked him"

"Don't give me that talk...Look at your relationship with Anna. Either you get mad and something happens to you or she gets mad and something happens to her. You're always at fault because you don't understand her. She loves you and you're too chicken to propose to her and now yay"she sarcastically said. "Dad's company will be sold because you don't know how to do things right! What a billionaire"she said, walking out the door angrily.

I watched the door for a few seconds unable to speak. I balled my hands into fists thinking about Miranda's pregnancy.

I don't want my sister having a child for a psycho.

"Dad's company will be sold because you don't know how to do things right!"Rung in my head again.

I looked at Anna lay peacefully, wishing the yelling made her wake up. She knows the right things to say to me.

I looked at my phone ringing, mentally face palming myself for forgetting I have a game in two days.

Game in two days. My dad's company will be sold in three days if I don't take over.

"Hey coach"I said, placing my phone on my ear.

"Lincoln... Where are you?"

"At the hospital"

"Hospital? We have a game in two days. Why are you at the hospital? Are you in good shape?"

"Anna had an accident"

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that Lincoln"

"Thanks Coach"

"Will you make it to practice in an hour?"

"I should be able to"

"See you in an hour. I'm sorry about Anna"He said, hanging up.

The way he said that made me feel like she was dead.

Like she was gone.


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