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Anna's P. O. V.

I opened my eyes slowly, holding my head due to the pain I felt. It thundered my head like a thousand horses were stampeding the ground. I sat upright scanning my surroundings, trying to figure out where I was. I was still in my red gown and I smelt so bad of alcohol. I walked over to the window checking where I was.

"Why am I still at Sebastian's house?" I thought.

I found my purse on the bed and my phone right beside it. The pain I felt in my head felt like I was nailed to the wall.

I hate being hungover.

I picked up my phone, looking at the 14 missed calls I had from Lincoln and the text messages. He sounded so worried. I was about calling him to let him know I was okay before the door swung open, revealing Sebastian with a tray filled with food.

"Hey"he said, walking towards me. He was wearing a black tank top and black sweatpants. His hair was combed backwards.

I should totally not be checking him out but damn.

"What happened?"I asked, hoping I didn't do something stupid. I know I can be really ridiculous when I'm drunk. The last time I got drunk, I was dancing ridiculously on a chair. Courtney filmed me and posted it on my birthday. That was so hilarious.

"Well... you rocked the party..."

"I rocked the party?"I interrupted, knowing that means I lost control. "I only had like three glasses"I said, remembering Sebastian got drinks for me while I spoke with someone.

"You got drunk but no worries"he smiled, dropping the tray filled with food on the table right by the window.

"I'm sorry if I did anything stupid"I said with a little laugh, not being able to imagine myself.

"No you didn't"he laughed. "I got some aspirins for you and pancakes... also a toothbrush and some toothpaste. I have a new towel incase you want to take a shower. I can have someone get you new clothes... you spilled alcohol on your gown"he said with a laugh.

"Thank you. That's really... kind of you"

"Well... I gotta hit the gym"he said.

"Oh sure. I'm gonna go home soon"

"Cool. You can stay for as long as you want"

"Thanks"I said with a smile as he walked away.

I sighed, calling Lincoln so he could know I was okay. I was so sure he would be really worried about me. It kept taking me straight to voicemail. I rolled my eyes, getting ready to record my message.

"Hey babe. I'm sorry I missed your calls. Sebastian had a party and I got drunk"I said with a chuckle at the last word. "Call me"

I stink of alcohol and sweat.

*. *.

I got the door opened stepping into the house, tiredly. I wore some bootlegs with a yellow tank top, grateful Sebastian got me something simple. Summer is so hot.

"Lincoln"I shouted, walking upstairs. I got the room door opened, checking the bathroom since he wasn't in the room. He wasn't in the bathroom also. I checked the study, he wasn't there either.

I descended the stairs, walking to check the gym room, hoping he'd be there. The got the door open glad I saw him working out. He was using a lat pull down machine, looking so upset. I walked towards him standing by his side with a smile. He didn't look at me.

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