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*Eight months later*

Anna's P. O. V.
I paused on my tracks, standing beside the pool, taking deep breaths. I was doing a walking exercise around the house. The doctor said working out is good for my body. Moreover, I don't stay in one position. I'm not that kind of person.

Lincoln and I agreed to get married after the baby is out. I didn't want to do my wedding pregnant. I wanted to be free. No pregnancy, just Lincoln and I getting married.

"Babe... common you've done enough"I heard Lincoln say. His head poked out the bedroom window. I raised my head to look at him.

"Yeah"I panted, feeling a little bit uneasy.

"What's wrong?"

"I just need to..."I drawled, walking to sit on the chair by the pool. There was an umbrella over the chair.

I touched my belly, hoping it's not what I think it is. The last time I wasn't about to give birth. According to the doctor, things like that happen.

"Are you okay?"I heard Lincoln ask. He was wearing shorts with a black plain shortsleeved shirt on. He didn't button up. I guess he rushed down.

"I feel like..."I paused, looking down my legs. "Oh shit my water broke"I said, trying not to panic while watching the water roll down my legs.

"Okay okay..."he rushed to say, trying to help me stand on my feet.

"How are we sure this isn't one of those..."he started.

"Because my water bloody broke"I interrupted, panicking, placing my arm across his shoulder. "I can feel the baby about to come out"I panicked.

"Deep breaths babe"he calmly said, leading me to the car. "Deep breaths"

"I'm so scared"I confessed, panicking. "Lincolnnnn"I drawled, feeling the baby about to come out.

"You're gonna be fine babe. Let's get to the car"he said. I was glad when I sighted the car. I carefully got in, waiting for Lincoln to get in. He rushed back to the house to get the things for the baby. He was back in nothing less than a minute while I kept panicking.

"Come with me"he said to two bodyguards. He got in the car while they got in another car.

"I'm not even wearing a gown. I'm wearing joggers Lincoln!"I panicked.

"We're gonna get to the hospital"He said, putting the key in ignition.

"I'm so hot"I said with a sniff, touching my face with the back of my hand.

"It's gonna be okay babe"he said. I could see fear and panic written all over his face as he drove out of the house but he tried to remain calm.

"Lincoln... I think..."I paused. "I swear... the head is outttt"I cried. "Babbeeee" I cried, slapping his shoulder, placing my arm on it.

"We're almost there"

"What if I can't push the baby out?" I sniffed, squeezing his shoulders, trying to endure the pain.

"Don't fucking say that"he lowly whispered, stepping on the accelerator.

"It hurts"I cried.

"There's the hospital"he said. I looked ahead grateful I could see the hospital building.

"Thank God"I sniffed, taking deep breaths. "The baby's so impatient"I whispered, crying. "This isn't fucking easy"I squeezed Lincoln's shoulder harder.

"Common"he said, as he parked his car in front of the hospital. He rushed out, wanting to open the door for me but I already did. He helped me stand on my feet. I looked behind him only to find his bodyguards, rushing to go tell them in the hospital.

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