An Old Friend

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Pan backed away from the cage lest I strike him again. "I want you to spy on your brother for me."

"Why? You already know everything that happens on this island anyway." I knew there was clearly a reason behind this. If Neal found out I was back to doing Pan's bidding, he would no longer trust me. I'm quite certain if Pan wanted to do anything, it was to make me feel alone and isolated. He wanted no one to be on my side, so he could have me for himself.

"At the moment, I have other things to focus on." I nearly scoffed at his lie. "Do you accept the deal or not?" He asked. I gritted my teeth and fidgeted, all the while not breaking eye contact with the selfish being.

"Fine," I spat. "But when my father comes, I'm telling him everything."

"And what do you think he'll do?" He asked with a laugh. I hoped he was only trying to be confident. "Wun me thwough wiv his wittle metal sword?" He asked in a babyish tone. In a split second, I lurched forward, reaching through the bars. I grabbed his rough-fabric shirt and pulled him towards me through the cage, smacking his head on bamboo. He grabbed my arm with both hands, digging his nails into my skin. I didn't flinch as the blood trickled and dripped down to the floor. He almost looked terrified, but his face calmed to stoic quickly.

"I. Hate. You," I snarled, before letting him go. I turned my back to him in the cage and reached for my fire sword - only to find it missing.

"Do you remember how I said I liked fire?" He asked me. I didn't dare turn around. "It's mine now. See it as a punishment." I drew my flintlock and swivelled around to shoot him. A subtle 'whoosh' sounded as he teleported away. I turned to Wendy.

"You're the only one who makes Pan flustered," she said to me, half-impressed, half-scared. I hissed as I finally noticed the pain in my arm. Pan's nails hadn't been particularly long, so I know he'd used a bit of magic to hurt me. "Aren't you worried about your sword?" Wendy asked softly.

"Even if I was, I wasn't going to show him," I began. I moved closer to her cage and dropped my voice to a whisper. "I haven't seen anyone else with the ability to use that sword. I can control its flames from very far away. If it's in his house, I can connect to it and use it to spy on him... or set his bloody house alight."

"You're brave," the girl began. "If I'd had the courage to stand up to him all those years ago-..."

"Don't worry, Wen. The only reason I'm so tough is because I grew up around pirates. You must've come from a place where sword-fighting and suchlike was frowned upon."

"Yes." She laughed. "Piracy is a crime in London... or at least, it was."

"We'll get you back, don't doubt it for a second-..."

"Booyah!" Someone suddenly shouted. I yelped and made to draw my sword, tutting when I remembered it wasn't there. I looked up. Pick walking towards us with two slate platters of food in his hands.

"Pick, you bloody moron, you scared me!" He laughed.


Pick visited Wendy and I whenever he could, for hours at a time. He brought food and told us what we'd missed. He gave us words of encouragement and made us laugh. I couldn't understand why the Lost Boys had been so nasty to him. "They're nice to me, now," he said one morning. "Ever since I started tellin' 'em my jokes." What strange people, I thought to myself. "I've seen your brother," he said to me. My eyes widened. "Yeah. He goes by Neal now."

"Yeah, I kn-"

"He was sent here by two people who work for Pan. Their names are Greg and Tamara." He explained. "Recognise 'em?" I shook my head. "Tamara's been lying to him for ages. She sent him through a portal."

"Where are they now: Greg and Tamara?" I asked.

"Dead." Pick looked away and Wendy gasped.

"Bloody hell," I breathed.

"Pan killed 'em, and tricked the boy they brought with them."

"Wait, what boy?" It suddenly clicked. I looked at Wendy. "The Truest Believer." Her eyes widened. I turned back to Pick. "Neal has a son, doesn't he?"

"Yes, but I don't think that's-"

"It has to be." I replied sternly.

"Well..." he didn't know what to say.

"Let him know, Pick. Find him and tell him, and do not let Pan find you first." He nodded while turning and ran off through the woods.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now