Deal With It.

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I didn't like this. I didn't like this at all. I was perfectly content to sail the seven seas with my father and our crew but now - due to Blackbeard and a bloody curse - I was forced to stay on this island; stuck with an abusive boy-demon and his downhearted cronies. I kicked some stones with my boot as I trudged along the beach once again. "I hate this!" I cried, kicking stones into the sea. The water rippled slightly. "I hate this, I hate this, I HATE this!" Suddenly, I heard a splash in the water. I snapped my head over to look. A girl with red hair had emerged from the water. I could only see down to her shoulders, but it was clear she wasn't human from her ethereal facial features and childlike smile. "Oh, hello," I said to her. She raised a hand above the water and waved to me with a smile. I went over to crouch on the sand in front of her.

"What's your name?" I asked her. She held her throat with her hand and shook her head. She couldn't speak. "Oh, I'm sorry," I began. "You can write it in the sand," I suggested. She looked behind me, as if she were afraid of something on the island. "Your name can't be that long, can it?" I asked, before telling her my first name. She approached warily and wrote her name in the sand. I turned my head to read it. "Ariel? Well, it's nice to meet you." She nodded with a smile, before looking behind me and diving under the water, a shimmering green fish-tail following. I turned to look; Peter was approaching with an icy glare. I stood hastily, kicking the mermaid's name out of the sand with my boot as subtly as I could - which wasn't very.

"Rizon, who were you talking to?" Peter asked me, as if he was accusing me of doing something wrong.

"Myself," I spat back, before making to walk off in another direction. Inevitably, he teleported in front of me. "Aargh!" I shouted. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

He laughed. "This is my island."

"Okay; this is my personal space," I stated, gesturing to the area around me. "I need it right now, so go back to your little lost boys." He walked slowly towards me, and I began stepping backwards.

"You're angry; I know. You're stressed; I know." He paused. "A word of advice: deal with it. You're a pirate." He started sauntering around as he spoke. "You've dealt with worse than this." I opened my mouth to speak. "And even though you had your father with you the whole time, it must have occurred to you at some point that he wouldn't be by your side forever, would he?" I shook my head. He was right. "I'll give you your space," he said, backing away from me casually. "But remember, nothing happens on this island without me knowing about it." He turned on his heels to walk away but when I tried to ask him what the last part had meant, he disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

"Bloody demon," I hissed. He was right though. I'd faced death many times. I was a lot safer here, so I didn't have to be concerned... but I was."

"Your emotions mean something even if you're tough," a light voice said. I turned.

"Pick! Are you okay? I'm sorry I left you like that."

"I'm alright - don't worry about me, I'm just a Lost Boy. I'm a bit of a loner even here... I'm bisexual and I thought I could trust the other boys when I told them, but they've all been trying to avoid me since then." He explained.

I put my hands on his shoulders. "I'm here for you, Pick," I stated. "Don't worry about those scallywags." He smiled at me warmly. "Quick question, have you ever seen a mermaid?"

"You don't need to show off just because you've been on pirate adventures," he laughed. I took that as a no. Ariel was either shy or didn't trust the Lost Boys. Or both.
"Come with me, I'd like you to meet someone," Pick stated. "She's my only friend on the island - besides you." He took my hand and led me back into the dark forest.

"Hang on," I called. "She?"

"She's been held prisoner here. She didn't choose to come here like the rest of us," he added. I followed him into the forest. This wasn't an adventure close to anything I was used to, but it certainly was interesting...

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