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I woke up in a bamboo cage next to Wendy. She was looking at me sympathetically. "You're awake." Her voice was solemn.

"No." I breathed as I realised where I was. "No, NO!" I grabbed the wooden bars of the cage, pulling at them violently.

"It's no use, Rizon," Wendy began, straightening out her white gown. "All we can do is sit here. These cages are enchanted. Only Pan can open them." I checked myself; I still had my fire sword and my flintlock. "They won't do anything, Rizon, and you know they won't." I sighed as I sat back in the cage, leaning against the uncomfortable bars.

"I should have just gone with Neal," I said quietly.

"Who's Neal?"

"Neal- N- Baelfire! He's Baelfire! He's here!" I exclaimed, nearly hitting my head on the top of the cage.

Wendy looked too shocked to believe me. "But... it's been so long."

"Would you believe I'm twenty-eight years older than I was when we first met?"

"That's a fair point." She sighed. "Do you know where he went?"

"I don't know. He said he was trying to get home to his son... hang on, you've been here longer than I have, do you know what 'boy' Pan's been waiting for?" I asked, remembering Felix and Pan's earlier conversation. Wendy nodded eagerly. We shuffled around to face each other, and I leaned on the side of my cage.

"He's called the Truest Believer. Pan only has a small amount of time to live now because this island wasn't supposed to exist. He broke the rules by making it a reality. The only way he can secure his immortality is by taking the heart of the Truest Believer. There is a boy who is prophesised to come here, and he must give his heart to Pan willingly, or he will die," she explained.  Her eyes grew dark with a memory I hadn't met. "My two younger brothers, John and Michael, are helping him. They've lived for a few centuries but Pan is keeping them alive to do his bidding. And they're doing it to protect me."

"So that's why you're in here." Things were all starting to make sense now. My father would never have put me in a place of danger unless there was no other alternative. Perhaps with the information I'd learnt, I could use it to assist him. I huffed as I pictured the moment that Pan broke my shell. I saw it shatter to dust on the ground. "Don't worry, Wendy. I know for certain that my father will be on his way here. We'll defeat..." it hurt to say it. "Pan... and then get the bloody hell out of here."


Before long, I fell asleep. A caged life was exceedingly tedious.
A stunning, sapphire sky hung over the island. The trees were the colour of bright emeralds with huge, sturdy trunks. The grass on the earth was green and the dew looked like millions of minuscule diamonds. It was too late to be sunrise and too early for the sun to be high in the sky; it peeked through the trees, the beams reaching out towards me and gleaming in scintillating citrine beams. I shielded my eyes from the sun with a gloved hand. I inspected the glove. It was silver elbow-length and ornately detailed with lace, in all my favourite patterns. I then looked down at my clothes; a white lace dress and knee-length larimar-coloured boots. I looked as if I was about to attend my own wedding. "Rizon," a calm and welcoming voice said softly. I turned to see my father standing at a wooden altar, Pan in front of it in an all-white suit, looking at me expectantly with his enigmatic eyes. Even his hair was combed neatly. I walked towards them. "Rizon," Pan said, more urgently as I stood in front of him. Panic filled his face. "Rizon."

"Yes, what's wrong?"


I was shocked out of sleep to see Pan's face outside the bars of my cage. "Pan." I said sternly. It took me a moment to remember my dream, and my face softened. If only it could have been true.

"I need you to do something for me," he stated, still crouched in front of me.

 I folded my arms and rubbed my eyes. "I don't care how horny you are-..."

"No- no, no," he stammered, his face reddening. We both glanced over at Wendy - she was trying to suppress a laugh. We looked back at each other simultaneously. "We're going to make a deal and then I'm going to let you out."

"You are in no position to make deals with me, Peter."

"I think you'll find I am. And you're going to have to conform to this deal. If you don't... well, let's just say if your father comes to get you, he won't make it off this island alive." His face darkened. "Do you understand?" It was more of an instruction than a question. I tutted, huffed, kicked the wall of the cage as I stretched my legs: all in irritation. None of it helped. My father had made a mistake sending me here.

"What the bloody hell do you want me to do, demon?" I asked through gritted teeth. The name seemed to hurt him, though it looked as if he was trying to suppress that. He leaned in very close to the cage, almost pressing his face against it. He seemed to want to grab a part of me as he spoke, to pull me close to him and show that he was in charge - but he couldn't reach me, so he held a bar of the cage instead. Before he spoke, I quickly drew my fire sword and swiped at his hand. He recoiled and hissed in pain. I'd cut and burned the backs of his fingers as the flame glowed bright red in my anger. "How dare you go against the deal my father made with you? How dare you break my only means of communicating with him and lock me in a cage? How dare you threaten him so that I will do your bidding? You, Peter Pan, are a despicable being."

Pan looked at me with rage in his eyes as he tried to hide his pain. "Do you want to hear the deal or not?"

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now