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The sky was bright and endless and blue as I arrived in Neverland with my father and our crew. We had come through a portal from a magical bean - one of the rare few in existence. Father kept the one to return home with hidden in a place even I wasn't aware of: If anything happened to it, we'd be stuck here.

We dropped anchor far enough away from the shallow water and left the Roger in longboats. "Remember, mates," my father began as we sailed, "never be fooled by the ruler of this land. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon." He turned to me. "Especially you, starfish." He stroked my hair protectively.

"What's his name, father?" I asked. It would help me to be more wary if I actually knew his name. A dark memory seemed to fill his blue eyes. He shifted his gaze, taking a breath as he tapped his ringed fingers on his leather bottle of rum.

"Peter Pan."

My father was Captain Killian Jones of the Jolly Roger. Before forming an alliance with the ruler of Neverland, over a century, ago his hand was cut off by a crocodile, and his wife; his true love, was killed. Being here was bound to bring up some stormy memories.


We stopped at the rocky shore of Neverland, upturned our boats and placed them atop each other far enough away from the water so that any rising tide wouldn't get to them and drag them out to sea. "Remember what we're here for," my father began once more. "Dreamshade for Blackbeard to finally leave us the hell alone!" We all cheered at this, raising our fists into the air. "But be careful with it. Do not be pricked by its poison or you will be doomed to either die or spend the rest of your miserable days here." He turned to me to finish his order. "Starfish?"

"You'd better all be savvy of that statement, or we'll all be better off in the Locker. Find the Dreamshade smartly or get marooned, now move it!" I shouted. Some of them mumbled 'aye aye', others cried out, fists in the air again, all running into the forests of Neverland. They were swallowed by the thick trees of the forest. I looked up at my father. Even with heeled boots, he was much taller than me.

"He already knows we're here," he said. I was stunned. Wasn't that dangerous?

"Whoa, that's an interesting sixth-sense there, cap."

"He knows the island, starfish. It's his trap. And I know him." He ignored the blatant fact that I was only joking.

"I'm guessin' he knows you, too..." Was our crew safe?

"Aye," he said, his eyes growing distant for a moment. "Oh, and take this seashell," he handed me a small seashell of my favourite colours. It was spiralled with a few tiny spikes. And it was beautiful. "If anything happens, contact me immediately... all right?"

"Yes, father," I replied, before giving him a hug, pocketing the shell, and setting off into the gloomy-looking forest.


The forest was just as eerie inside as it looked from the beach outside. A disturbing darkness loomed over me like a heavy shadow, the weight holding me down as far as my boots. "Bloody hell," I muttered. "How long will I have to walk around before I find some bloody Dreamshade?"

"I can help with that," a low voice suddenly suggested. I drew my weapon – a fire sword with a colour-changing flame – and slowly turned around, my knees bent slightly for ease of movement. "You've got fire." I looked into the speaker's face: a boy with short, dark brown hair and mysterious eyes. "I like fire."

"My fire," I replied. "Peter Pan."

"I can tell you like guessing games just as much as I do." He smirked.

"I'm not playing your game," I replied sternly, pointing at him with my flaming sword.

"Not yet you're not. But do you want to find the Dreamshade and show your father you're the best of your scurvy crew?" He asked. To anyone else, this offer would have been tempting. But I didn't have to prove anything to my father. I was his daughter and his first mate. Well – I shared the latter role with Smee, but that didn't make me any less important to him. Although, tricking Peter Pan and taking him to my father held captive might put a smile on the captain's face. I smiled, innocently with a hint of mischief.

"Lead the way."

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now