The Truth?

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"Rizon... I had a dream I lost you... but you told me that you regretted leaving me. Is it true?" He was holding my wrists tightly, pressing them against the grass. He was trembling; desperation in his eyes.

"Pan, let go of me-"

"Do you regret kissing Wendy?" Huh? I glanced over at camp; the boys were all dancing around the fire again - completely oblivious. I wondered where Henry was...

"I never kissed Wendy." What on earth was he talking about? Perhaps he knew I liked her. Of course he did...

"Good," he whispered, before pressing his lips against mine. His grip on my wrists loosened, so I kicked and grabbed and hit whatever I could, before pushing him onto his back. I ignited my sword with black fire - so that it wouldn't emit any light - and held it against him.

"Can we talk, please? Properly?" I asked quietly. "I want to understand what you're bloody doing."


We were in my old hut: Pan was sitting with his back to me as I changed back into my pirate garb. My old books that contained the adventures I'd had here were still on the table. "I still love you," Pan began. "And I want you back, and on my side."

I ignored him as I buckled my belt. "How did you find out about me liking Wendy?"

He scoffed. "Nothing happens on this island without me knowing about it."

"Why did you kill Pick?" I asked, tears stinging my eyes. I pulled on my boots.

"I heard he had feelings for you," he replied bluntly, as if the answer had been obvious and his actions had been reasonable. As if he wasn't in the wrong.

"No: that was a rumour spread by another one of the boys. He told me who he had feelings for. It was another Lost Boy." Pan didn't speak. He'd made a mistake: something he hated doing. "I'm trapped here now, aren't I?" I pulled on my coat and brushed it down.

"Rizon, I-..." He turned to face me.

"You broke the promise you made to my father."

"I didn't know I was going to fall in love with you-..."

"How you treated me... that wasn't love."

"I'm going to die unless I use Henry's heart." Tears slipped down his cheeks. So that was the truth. That's why he needed Henry on his side. And it would be a lot easier for him if I was, too.

"He's my nephew. I can't have him die. Neal wouldn't forgive me, or himself."

"But I need to be alive so I can make amends, Rizon. I love you too much to leave you. You and I both know you'll be broken when I'm gone." He was trying to trick me now. But I'd long passed falling for it.

"So you isolate me from my father and Pick, so you can have me all to yourself?"

"That was to protect you."

"From what?"


"You what? You're lying. All of this is a lie. You may as well put me back in that cage. I'll never be on your side."

"Fine then," he began, regaining his impassive composure. "I just wanted to give you a chance. I tried to help you. I told you the truth about Henry. But now I see there was no point."

"Don't you dare turn this on me, you psychotic bastard!" I snapped, standing up. Pan also stood up. "No, you're staying here." I pushed my hand against his chest and he fell against the bed. I left the hut.


When I arrived back at camp, I tried to search for Henry. He was nowhere to be found. "Rizon," a monotonous voice called. Felix. "Wendy wants to speak to you." What? Why would he tell me? "Go." I couldn't hide my confusion. I cautiously walked backward, facing him for a few steps, before turning and making my way over to Wendy's cage, looking over my shoulder, baffled, once or twice.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now