The Dark Curse is Broken

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(You may want to listen to the song before you read)

I counted every single day as it passed. The days never changed, and they often merged together when I had nothing to do. I had not seen Ariel and I seldom saw Wendy. I had been here for twenty-eight years and there was still no sign of my father. I hadn't grown. I had gone through three journals. They were piling up on my bedside table. The first journal was full of adventures I'd had with my crew on the Jolly Roger; the second had some of Pick's and Wendy's stories, and the third and fourth were for my father, describing what I did with my time here on Neverland.

I sighed. "We'll see how this goes."

It was a new day.

I sat up in bed and placed the coloured shell to my ear. All I could hear was a slight buzz that showed that the shell it was connected to was intangible. Nothing had changed. Nothing at all. Except for one thing...

My outfit for the day was a pair of two-tone pixie leggings, furred ankle boots, and a nice white shirt - not very pirate-like, I know. I pulled on the fingerless gloves that Pan had fashioned for me out of rabbit skins - his first gift to me - and walked out of the hut to find him standing directly in front of me. "Good morning, love," he greeted with a smile, pulling me towards him by my waist. "Did you sleep well?"

I pressed my lips against his in a warm and passionate kiss, before pulling away and looking into his beautiful forest-coloured eyes. "Yes, I did," I replied. He smirked as he picked me up by my thighs and pushed me against the wall of my hut, my legs wrapping around his torso. He began to lightly kiss and suck my neck, nipping at it every so often. I gripped his soft brown hair and tangled it in my fingers. Yes. Peter Pan was my boyfriend. This was the very reason that I no longer saw Wendy: she was not pleased with me. But I would have loved to find out more about my half-brother Baelfire since my father hadn't told me much at all. Alas, there was nothing I could do. I loved Pan and he loved me, so if that was a problem for anyone then why should I bother talking to them? Although, I do feel remorse now at not trying at all to have Wendy freed from the cage.

"Pan?" Felix's mysterious voice asked from nearby. My eyes were closed in pleasure but Pan stopped putting marks on my neck as he turned to look at Felix.

"I know that look, what is it?" My boyfriend barked. Felix did a small gesture to signal that he didn't want me hearing what he had to say. Pan huffed, kissing my lips once more - loudly - and placed me carefully on the ground, before following Felix out of my earshot.


All of the Lost Boys (except Pick) were bitter about me being with Pan. I knew they were - even if they didn't show it. I could tell by the way they glared at me or refused eye contact, or by the way they looked (in disgust) at the love bites Pan was so intent on leaving on my neck. I was often so caught up in my love for him that I had forgotten I could say 'no'. My father taught me that love consists of mutual care and respect. "If you don't have that, starfish, it wasn't meant to be," he had said. I sighed. I didn't think my father would be at all proud of my first boyfriend being the demon boy of Neverland.
Most of the Lost Boys didn't use my name when they referred to me. Some called me 'Red-Handed Jill' on account of my colour-changing fire sword. Others called me 'Pirate', and others used to refer to me as something derogatory. At this, I would choose one of my weapons to point in their direction. They would laugh. "You can't hurt me; Pan would kill you." But that was before he stated to all of them that I was his, and if they ever did anything wrong to me then he'd kill them himself.
Now all they did was glare, bitter at the fact that they couldn't do much as hiss their profanities in my direction.


I sat in front of my hut, watching as Pan and Felix spoke in hushed tones. I looked up at the sky. Grey clouds were passing overhead and the wind was picking up. A storm was on its way.

"Rizon?" I heard Pan say. I turned to look at him, he was crouched in front of me.


"Have you tried to contact Killian?" He asked.

"I try every day, Pan. It doesn't-"
He hushed me by raising his finger. There was a moment of silence before he got up and walked past me into my hut. "Oi!" I exclaimed, standing up. He completely ignored me. Sometimes I felt as if he didn't truly see me as his girlfriend. Felix approached me as Pan went to my bedside table, picking up my shell in one swift movement and holding it to his ear.

"There's no buzzing," he said to me. I turned to Felix.

"What happened, what's going on?" I asked. They both stayed silent, exchanging looks. "Bloody tell me!" I snapped. It often felt as though I had to compete with Felix to get what I wanted from Pan.

"Watch your temper," Pan instructed. I crossed my arms and he huffed. "The Dark Curse... is broken." He averted his gaze.
This would mean I could go back to my father! This would mean I could finally leave Neverland! However, this would also mean leaving Pan.

"Come back with me," I said to him. He seemed utterly taken aback.


"Pan, if you come back with me, we can be together!"

"And do you really think your father would allow that?" He asked in a sinister tone, approaching me. "You and I both know that's not going to happen." He shoved the shell into my hand and disappeared in a puff of green smoke. I whipped around to look at Felix, trying to shove back the tears that were stinging my eyes.

"I'll talk to him," he said in a lazy-teen tone, rolling his eyes. I didn't think he would, but it was nice to hear it. I didn't even think that Felix could change Pan's mind. It was supposed to be me; I was Peter's girlfriend. If he didn't want to listen to me, then what was the point in being with him? I sighed, closing and locking the door to my hut. I decided to make my way over to the beach where I'd met Ariel twenty-eight years prior. I guess some people just need some time alone, I thought to myself.


The sky was still cloudy, and left the island in a dingy, grey lighting. I sat on the beach and held the shell to my ear with trembling hands. "Father?" I called into it.

"Rizon!" Was my father's ecstatic reply.

"It's been twenty-eight years. The curse is broken now, isn't it?" I asked, happy tears flowing from my eyes.

"Yes, yes!" He exclaimed.

"Is that your daughter?" A muffled female voice asked in the background.

"Yes," was his snarky-sounding reply. "Look, starfish..." He huffed. "I'm unable to retrieve you from Neverland."

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"Rizon, listen to me: I have some things to do. But as soon as I can, I will come to Neverland. I promise. I don't know how long that will take but I'll keep in touch when I can."

"Who are you working for now?" I asked. I knew his voice; it was the same tone he spoke in when he wasn't in complete control. Aye, he was the captain of a ship but sometimes he wasn't the captain of his own decisions. And that woman's voice in the background... "Whose dirty work are you doing?"

"Her name is Cora, she's the Evil Queen's mother - look, I don't have long, Rizon. Is there anything you wanted to tell me?"

"I..." Pan, the evil demon-boy is my boyfriend. I met a mermaid. I only have one friend here; the other lost boys hate me. I met a girl named Wendy, she said she knows Baelfire. Why did you forsake Baelfire? Why are you working for Cora? Why was the curse made? Where's the crew? How are the crew? "No."

"Alright then. I'll try to contact you later, keep the shell at your side. I love you, Rizon."

"I love you too, father." Normally, my father could tell when I was lying. Clearly, he was distracted. Something was wrong and it hurt that I couldn't find out.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now