To Storybrooke

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I had spent the night tossing and turning, even in a bed I once deemed the most comfortable. The jolt as we made our way through the portal situated in the beams of light that came from Sirius (the Second Star) didn't help, either. For a while, it felt as though we were spinning.

As we finally descended through the clouds and made our way to the water, I clutched onto my bedsheets as the pressure built up in my ears. The sunlight shone through the windows and into my room, but all I wanted was to sleep.

I waddled out onto the deck, yawning widely. Wendy approached me and kissed me on the cheek as she returned my coat. "Thank you, dear."

Neal dropped the gangplank and Henry was the first to leave the ship. Awaiting him was an entourage of cheering people, whom he smiled and waved at. Emma followed him, and after her was Snow, who got the greatest cheers and applause. I watched as everyone had their happy reunions, hugging and laughing. My father stood by my side. "This is what I've been missing," I said to him, watching as Wendy embraced her younger (yet visibly older) brothers. Soon, they would return to their world and I'd never see her again.

He dropped his head. "Aye, love."

"Being around the heroes must have done you good," I said to him. "I'm glad, father."

We made our way down the gangplank and I followed Felix through the crowd of people. "Where do you think you're going, then?"

"Away from all this," he said. There were raven feathers tangled in his hair, his clothes looked like they had never been washed. There was still dirt on his face; a scar to add to the look.

"Felix, you could do with all this, don't you think?" I asked him. "Someone to look out for you - properly. Someone to raise you?"

"It's too late for all that. Pan looked out for me. What have you done to him: I know you did something?"

"He's dead, Felix."

He seemed to choke on his breath, his gaze becoming stone. He raised his fist and cried out. Before he could hit me, I ignited my fire sword, thinking that it would deter him. It didn't. He severed his hand on the blade.

Anguished cries rose from around us as people moved out of our way. The Dark One approached and requested that Felix be locked in a cell until he calmed down. He looked so full of rage I didn't think he ever would. Afterwards, Rumplestiltskin asked me to follow him to his shop.


It was quite impressive, full of various trinkets and magical relics. Power radiated from almost every item. "How much of this is for sale?" I asked him.

He smiled as he led me through a curtain of beads to a table with distilling equipment used for making potions and elixirs. "Everything has its price. Now, you and my father..."

"I, uh..." This was going to be a very difficult and uncomfortable conversation. How exactly was I supposed to tell The Dark One of my relations with his father..? I shuddered at the thought.

His gaze softened. "I know how manipulative he can be. I apologise for all wrongdoings he did to you." He took the water from a vial that he'd brought from Neverland and poured it into one of the glass measuring jugs.

"It's not your fault. Besides, I'm a pirate. Danger is an occupational hazard."

He sighed. "I know what it's like to resent a father." He looked at me. I averted my gaze; looking at how expertly he handled the ingredients he needed for the Elixir. "If you need anyone to talk to, I... I can give you some insight on how your father feels, too. I also know what it's like to abandon a child. I made the mistake of following in my father's footsteps - a mistake I shall never make again."

"I thought you only did things for a price," I said to him. He'd given off that impression, anyway. "Why are you offering to help me?"

"You helped my son and my grandson. And you were brave enough to do what I failed," he explained. He hovered his hand over the frame of equipment and whispered an incantation. When he was finished creating the elixir, he handed it to me. "It's the least I can do."

"I- well, thank you," I responded as I took the vial.

"Do you know where David is?" He asked as he replicated the procedure with the rest of the healing water. "I need to give it to him before it's too late." At those words, I gulped down the vial as quickly as possible, before coughing as I'd breathed most of it instead of swallowing it. Rumplestiltskin didn't react for a moment, until his brow twitched.

"I thought you knew better about how to deal with water."

"Well, let's just say it's been a while since I've been on open ocean."


The Dark One and I made our way to Granny's - a place I'd been told was the town's most popular eatery. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and some people waved as they passed by us, a couple of them stopping to introduce themselves to me. They mostly got quite awkward when I introduced myself as Captain Hook's daughter, though. But soon, I would learn to get used to it, until the time my father and I took to the high seas once more.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now