The Family Tree

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Pan put the box on a rock nearby. "What is that?" I asked him. The Dark One hadn't told me and I'd never seen anything like it. I could sense its power. Was it benign? No: No, not if Pan wanted it.

"Something called 'Pandora's Box'." He replied bluntly. I'd heard the ancient tale: a girl was given a box as a gift by the gods and foolishly released all the evil into the world. And Pan had trapped someone as powerful as the Dark One inside it. Who knew how long he would be in there for: surrounded by the sandstone walls of the skull-infested cave.

Pan began walking towards me, taking my hands in his. I snapped them away and stepped backwards.

"Henry's your great-grandson..."

"Would you like a family tree?" He asked with a roll of his forest eyes.

"That might help actually, yes," I replied half-sarcastically. He conjured one in his hand.
A man named 'Malcolm' and a woman named 'Fiona' had been the parents of Rumplestiltskin. Pan must have changed his name. "Who is she?" I asked, pointing to Fiona.

"If you think I'm evil, you haven't met her." He said.

"A crazy ex?"

"Not quite..."

It didn't look as though he wanted to say anymore, so I continued to scrutinise the tree, not realising that he'd left.

The tree depicted the Evil Queen had adopted Henry as her own, naming him after her own father. She and Snow were also, for some reason, step-sisters, which made my nephew her step-grandson.


It felt as though I had been looking at the tree for ages, searching its every branch. My own had proved to be quite interesting. My father had lived an unusually long time: most of our family members had long passed. Except for one: a half-brother of his by the same name of an uncle I'd never met: an uncle who'd died trying to leave the island after being poisoned by Dreamshade. Liam. What?

I was distracted by talking and looked up to see Pan lecturing Henry. What was he corrupting him with now?

"You have to stay on the island with me. Neverland will be your new home. I know it's a sacrifice - but isn't it worth it?"

"What are you talking about?" I tried to say, only to find that the sound of my words didn't travel.

"Heroes have to make sacrifices all the time: my family taught me that." Henry replied with an affirmative nod. I tried to walk over to them, to stop him. A magical barrier deflected me and I was sent flying, toppling onto the sand. I spat it from my mouth and looked up to see Pan roll his shoulders - he must have felt it.

"Your family would be proud if they could see you now." He looked up at the timer. "Because you're about to save them all." I picked up a rock and pelted it toward Pan. It bounced off the barrier. I narrowly dodged it as it sped past my face. Pan turned, throwing a warning look in my direction, even though he probably couldn't see me. "Now, are you ready?"

Pan took Henry's hand and enchanted it. He reached to his chest and pulled out his heart.

"Henry, wait!" I heard Neal shout as he, Regina and Emma rushed into the cave. "Whatever Pan's telling you to do, don't do it."

"Let me out, Peter, I know you can hear me!" I shouted at the edge of the barrier. He flinched at my volume, but continued trying to persuade Henry to ignore his family.
I took out my fire sword and adjusted a couple of the crystals in its hilt.

"We believe in you, Henry."
I swirled it around, conjuring a white flame.

"Because we love you."
I closed my eyes, concentrating, as I positioned the blade toward the barrier.

"More than anything."
I recoiled. They were finishing each other's sentences: one big happy family. I wasn't sure how to feel about that. I had to ignore how I felt if my magic was to succeed. I took a breath and closed my eyes. The blade cut through the barrier, shattering it and knocking Pan to the floor with the force of its magic.

Henry looked up at me. I shook my head. "Don't." He was about to make a very dangerous mistake.

"I'm sorry, but I have to save magic." He helped Pan up and shoved his heart into his chest. Pan closed his eyes, feeling the power surge through his body.

Henry fell to the floor.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now