Save Us All?

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Emma reached the cage and immediately started bashing it with her sword. "What the bloody hell is she doing?" I asked, about to walk over there myself.

My father rested his hands on my shoulder. "Leave her a minute, lass."

"But she's-" she stopped. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I didn't care either. I was thinking of Wendy. "Do you think we can bring her back?" I asked.

"Who?" Killian asked. "Wendy?" I nodded nervously.

"We'll..." he was distracted by Emma. "We'll see what we can do, starfish."

"She's been here since Neal was a child." I stated. "She hasn't aged, and her brothers miss her dearly. Please don't dismiss that. If you think the thirty years that I've been here is bad, then she's been here for over a hundred."


"How d'you think she feels, father?" He knelt down to speak to me, keeping his ringed fingers on my shoulders.

"We will find a way to rescue both you and her, along with Tinkerbell, Henry and David. I promise."

"You'd save us all?"

"Undoubtedly." He stated with a smile.

We heard a crack as Neal's bamboo cage opened to let him out. He and Emma embraced. We all made our way out of Echo Cave to wait for them.


"Do you know how to get off this island?" Hook asked Neal, after he'd thanked us for saving him. "Because we found your star map."

"If we can find Henry, I can get us home."

"Then let's go and get Tinkerbell and retrieve the boy," Killian replied. We walked back through the forest to find the fairy.

On our way back to camp, Neal explained to us that his way off the island years ago had been by using Pan's shadow. "That's your way off the island?" Emma asked. The disbelief was thick in her voice.

"Unfortunately, it's the only way," Neal replied. He, Emma, Snow and I were all sat on rocks, with David standing next to his wife and my father pacing like a madman.

"We thought you learnt how to navigate the stars," David stated. My father sneered at him, as if to say 'you don't trust that I taught him how to navigate on an astrological level??'

"I know how to navigate the stars but I can't fly." Neal replied.

"I'm guessing that's where the shadow comes in," Snow added.

"We need to capture it."

"How do we sneak up on Pan: we've never been within 10 feet of him unless he wanted us to be?" Emma asked.

"Pan's shadow is rarely with him, it's an entity of itself and can carry out his will from miles away," Killian explained. How hadn't I noticed in all the years I'd been here?

"And I know where to look for it," Neal added. Emma decided that she should go with Neal to search for the shadow. My father decided to go with them. Snow and David elected to go and speak to Tinkerbell, while I decided to go and find Wendy.


I walked through the forest, trying to find the place that Wendy was held captive. My heart was pounding. What if something had happened to her? I didn't want to start worrying: that would make it worse. I started to be hopeful that she was all right, but I knew that being overzealous would make it even more of a shock if she wasn't all right. I stopped myself. "Okay," I began. "I'm just panicking. I just need... to calm down." I tried taking deep breaths and settling myself, before continuing to walk.
After some time, I pulled out my fire sword and ignited its flame to check the atmosphere around me: I wanted to read the flame, to see the truth of the situation.

The flame pulsed in greys and reds.

Wendy was in trouble.

I ran.

"PAN!" I yelled into the forest. It was his fault, no one else's. Clearly, though, he was too busy because he didn't teleport at my call. Defeated, I decided to return to the heroes' camp, my eyes stinging with tears and chest heaving with sobs.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now