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I couldn't find Wendy's cage. Or at least, it wasn't where it previously had been. The ground had a square grid of indented lines in the soil: She'd been moved. Pan saving me in front of Henry was a way to get him to trust him. I needed to get back to stop anything else from happening.

"Why did Felix send me here?" I asked no one. I looked around, only to see a hut I'd never seen before. Either I'd gone the wrong way, or the island layout had been altered entirely: Pan's doing. I walked over to the wooden building and knocked on the door.

"If you're a Lost Boy, camp's the other way!" A voice shouted from inside.

"N-no, I'm not. But I am lost. Which I've never been before..." I muttered the last part to myself. Slowly, the door creaked open. A bright blue-green eye stared back at me, before the door opened fully to reveal a young woman with blonde-brown hair and light skin. "Wendy?"

"No!" The woman scoffed. I couldn't help feeling relieved. She had glittery forest-green clothes and a big triangular bandanna of the same hue around her neck.

"I'm Rizon," I held out my hand, only to have it looked at and ignored. I slowly brought it back to sit on my belt.

"Tinkerbell." Clearly, she didn't trust me. "Look, I have something to do so either you come with me or get away from my home."

"Alright, I'll go with you," I replied with a smile. She didn't seem too pleased, but she must have known it wasn't going to be easy to simply push me away.


We spoke as we talked, and she told me why she was on Neverland. She had been a fairy but was exiled for stealing Pixie Dust and failing a mission to help someone find their true love. "You look like a pirate," she said at one point.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," I replied, trying to suppress a chuckle. Tinkerbell didn't reply; she had spotted something. She knelt down to pick up a piece of white fabric. "What's that?" She looked at it with a sneer. I knew that look; I'd seen it frequently in my father.

"The key to my revenge."

"What?" I asked. I'd never seen it before, so I didn't know who it belonged to. She looked up at me.

"Rizon, this belonged to person who... she was the one I was telling you about: The reason I'm here. And now she's here..." I could see the anger in her eyes.

"The woman who was too scared to find her true love?"

"Yes. C'mon. Let's go back to my place. We need to find her."


"Who actually is she?" I asked as we went inside her wooden home.

"Her name is Regina. Also known as the Evil Queen."

"Oh, okay." The one who made the Dark Curse...

"So you're the daughter of Hook? I feel sorry for you."

"Why's that?" I knew he didn't have the best reputation. What history did they have?

"You're not here on holiday," she scoffed, turning her nose up.

"Well, no. He made a deal with Pan to protect me, but the bloody demon broke it."

She gave me a sympathetic look, before she suddenly hurried to a gap in her treehouse that doubled as a window. She dropped the handkerchief. "I can hear someone coming... come on Rizon, let's go."
I followed her out and we ventured in the direction we had come from.


We found the Evil Queen sitting on on a mossy fallen tree trunk, an orange lantern beside her. She must have heard us coming because she stood and said, "let's get this over with... shall we?" Tinkerbell emerged from behind the foliage, damp and dewed with rain - I had been instructed to stay put. Tink said a few words to her but the formally-dressed queen replied with a solemn:

"You look terrible."

"You trying to provoke me?" Tinkerbell replied; more of an emotional statement than a logical one. I couldn't see much of what was happening - to stay hidden meant I couldn't allow any part of myself to be visible, even if it was just my eye through the green foliage.

"Come and get me, Tinkerbell," the queen said casually. This sounded like the immature fight I'd seen between two young sailor boys many years ago - they had been arguing over whether a beached dolphin was a mermaid, and who should kiss it to 'bring her back to her former glory'.

"You think you're so smart. But you're gonna fail." Suddenly, Tink blew something sparkly and magic-looking into the queen's face, and she fell to the ground with a 'thud'. Fairy Dust? I thought she didn't have any... She must have been saving it for revenge. We dragged her to a cave and bound her hands with rope. I could tell Tinkerbell detested her greatly for what she had done. She said nothing, so neither did I; instead gathering some wood and lighting a fire in front of us, and we looked at this woman, whose brown eyes slowly began to open.
"About time you woke up: I've been looking forward to this chat for quite some time."

The woman grumbled. "Look, you don't know why I'm here-..."

"Oh,  I know exactly why you're here," Tink sneered. "You're trying to find your son." I whipped my head to look at her: that was news to me. Her son? She can't have meant Neal, or any of the other Lost Boys. Henry..?

"I take it by the restraints, you're not helping." The woman grumbled, moving to kneel.

"Hell, no," Tink replied, her arms folded. "You're the last person I'd ever help, after how you burned me."

"Burned you?" Regina asked. It was clear she hadn't noticed me yet. Then again, this wasn't my fight. I slowly backed into the shadows: I didn't want to be too close in case she used the magic that she had. "You're the one who interfered in my life."

"And threw away my own in the process."

"So what do you want from me?" She didn't sound as powerful and cutthroat as I'd imagined her to be. "To kill me?" Perhaps I was wrong... "You think it's that easy? Whatever you knocked me out with, I can tell it's not magic." She licked her lips in thought; "maybe poppies... but they're wearing off." Tinkerbell averted her gaze. "And since you had to resort to that, it only means one thing: you don't have magic. But I do." She stood and with a wave of her hands, the ropes fell to the ground.

"So do I." I stated, stepping forth and bringing my fire sword close to her neck, ignited. Simultaneously, Tink stepped forward with an arrow to the other side of her neck.

"Yeah, we know," she began, "but even your magic can't stop this. Ever hear of Dreamshade?"


"Good," she nodded at me to step back: as much as fire hurt, Dreamshade was a lot more... permanent. I still needed to figure out what I was going to do regarding my poisoned situation.

"How the hell did you get like this?" Regina asked. I hadn't known either of them long, I had nothing to compare her to.

"I met you," she snapped. Is this what's going to happen once my father meets the Dark One? Perhaps he already has...

"Okay. You wanna kill me? I can make it easier." We were stunned when the queen pulled out her own heart. "You wanna kill me? Well, don't let the poison do it. You should do it!" What on earth? Maybe she's testing her? "Go ahead, crush it!"

"You think I won't take it?" Tink snapped, but in her eyes I could see she wasn't going to.

"No, I'm counting on it." We could hear her heartbeat. I had to stop the tears from falling when I thought about Pick; remembering how he had died unjustly by his heart being crushed filled me with rage. I didn't know if I could watch another one turn to dust. "Show me who you are, Tinkerbell."

"Gladly," the ex-fairy whispered. I turned my head. Gosh, being on this island had changed me, too. Normally, I was a lot more used to violence: I'd seen plenty of scuffles far worse than this at sea.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now