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I woke up and washed myself as best I could with a bucket of water and a cloth. I tied my hair back, pulled on a white shirt and brown breeches and struggled to pull a pair of brown boots onto my pink-socked feet. I had always been a pirate, for as long as I could remember. My mother was killed on the same day my father lost his hand. "It was the Dark One," my father had said. "The Dark One killed your mother, Rizon. And that crocodile will pay for what he did."

I walked out on deck and looked up and over my shoulder to see my father at the helm with a boy I didn't recognise. They were smiling, laughing. My father was teaching this boy how to sail? Before his own daughter? I was engulfed with envy, my hands turning to fists at my sides and my teeth gritting in my mouth. "Don't fret, Rizon," the soft voice of Mr. Smee began. "The Captain will teach you how to sail in due time: when you're tall enough to reach the wheel." He assured with a warm smile. He was right, I supposed. I smiled and thanked him. He nodded curtly and walked away, helping some of the crew turn a sail. I looked back up at my father and the boy: they had seen me.

"Ah! Rizon, come and meet our new recruit!" My father said, welcoming me to the wheel. I climbed the creaky wooden steps and looked at the boy.

Neck-length dark brown hair, a bit like mother's from what I could remember from the pictures. Light beige skin with no freckles, blemishes nor hair. He was too old to be a child but too young to be a man. Though he didn't look quite like a teenager. "His name is Baelfire. Baelfire, this is my daughter, Rizon."

I was sure that the name sounded familiar, but I didn't think too much of it as I shook the older boy's hand. "Nice to meet you, Rizon," he greeted.


Later that day, my father gently pulled me aside. "Rizon, there is something I need to tell you." His sky blue eyes were stern and his face was a picture of stressed concentration.

"What is it, father?" I asked softly. He wasn't looking at me.

"It's about Baelfire, but he mustn't know."

"Oh, all right," I replied, slightly confused. My father finally turned his head to look at me.

"He's Milah's son, your half-brother."

"Half-brother?" I whisper-shouted. He had taught me from the age of two how to express my shock quietly. It came in useful more often than not.

"Yes. But the boy cannot know. And you are to avoid him where you can, understood?"

"But we're-"


My face dropped. I thought it would have been nice to have a brother. Clearly my father had other plans for this boy. None that I was aware of, of course: I was too young. "Yes, father."

"Good," he said with a proud smile. "Now come and let us eat lunch. We've caught sea bass." He said with a smile.


My father and I ate our food below deck; it was there that he spoke to me in more detail. "That boy," he began, pointing at the closed door that led out to the deck, "is the son of the Dark One; Rumplestiltskin."

"The one who killed mother?" I asked, aghast.

"That's right, starfish. Now, do you remember when I said you must avoid Baelfire?" He asked, cutting into a piece of sea bass with silver cutlery.


"I've changed my mind. Don't avoid him but do not reveal any information about your mother. Tell me if he tells you any information about the Dark One - though I doubt he will - and try not to get too... attached to him."

"Okay, father." I was unable to hide my confusion. "Did you find out anything about Rumplestiltskin?" I asked.

"Aha!" He suddenly exclaimed, surprising me - I nearly dropped my fork. "Now you're asking the questions that matter." He leaned over the table, closer to me. "The crocodile has a dagger. It's the source of his power and it's the only thing that can kill him. Once we get that, we can avenge your mother."

My father's one goal was to kill the Dark One. I wasn't exactly for it, but I was his daughter - I had to do as he said most of the time. I was sure that after the crocodile had died and my mother had been avenged, he would be happy.


A few days later, Mr. Smee gave me the news that Baelfire had left. "He found out about Milah and didn't... he didn't let your father explain. He's gone, Rizon." He said sadly.

"Where's my father?" I asked. "Why didn't he tell me himself?"

"Your father is a bit upset. He asked me to tell you for him."

"Oh." I looked down at my boots, disappointed.

"Don't worry, Rizon. Your father will be back to his usual self soon."

"When did Baelfire leave?" I asked.

"Last night - you were asleep." I went to the helm and jumped up onto it to look at the Port and Starboard mark my father had scratched into the wood with his hook for my brother. There was a reverse N-shaped line through it, as if he'd crossed it out. I traced my finger over the line, noticing that it was deeper than the letters. My father certainly had been angry. I slipped off the helm and moved to the wheel, which was heavy and barely reachable. The anchor was lowered so I couldn't move us anywhere but I wanted to try to steer. I wanted to show my father that I was - in a way - better than Baelfire, because I would never leave him. I just hoped that in his goal to find vengeance, he wouldn't leave me.

Before long, my father hurried to my side, Smee struggling to keep up with him. The captain had tears in his eyes, which he quickly wiped away. "Rizon," he began.

"I'm sorry," I backed away from the wheel. "I wanted to steer the ship."

"No, starfish, you have nothing to be sorry for. Let me help you steer. Low anchor, boys, and raise the sails!" He called to the crew, who all shouted a chorus of 'aye, captain!'

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now