Joining Forces

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Turning to face Tink, I listened to the conversation. "She doesn't have magic, or even her wings," Regina stated, guilt and shame all over her beige face.

"How?" The Saviour asked.

"I guess people just stopped believing in me," was the fairy's reply. "And even if I wanted to help you, he's too powerful."

"But you know where Pan is?" Snow White asked.

"Sure. But it won't do you a bit of good."

"Let us be the judges of that," I chimed in, "I know how to trick him."

"Out of the question," Killian stated protectively, just as Snow White asked the fairy if Pan trusted her. I folded my arms.

"Can you get us inside his compound?" The Saviour added.

"Maybe," Tink folded her arms, "but what's in it for me if I do? Other than a death sentence from Pan when you're gone with the boy"

"You can come with us," Emma declared, sincerity in her voice.

"A home," Snow added, "That's what you want, isn't it?"

Tink thought for a moment. My father's grip on my shoulder tightened as we listened intently, "Pan trusts me; he'll let me in. And maybe I'll leave a way open for you. But you've only got one shot." Emma thanked her. Snow invited her back to the camp; we'd rest there. Killian didn't let me leave his side.


My father stabbed his hook into a few coconuts and handed them to Emma and me. He knew I didn't like coconut milk, but his expression told me I didn't have a choice - it was for good health, after all. "What has he done?" He asked me. I looked over at Emma, hesitant. Snow and Charming were having their own conversation, as were Regina and Tink. Emma was right next to us, though, and I wasn't sure if I wanted her to hear what I was going to say. She noticed; moving to sit and drink further away from us.

"He..." I had to tell him sooner or later. "He was my boyfriend."

"What?" My father bellowed. Everyone looked at us. "You fell for the bloody demon!?" I felt the salty tears sting my eyes and my father's expression softened. "Oh, Rizon, I'm sorry. I never should have left you." He pulled me into a hug. "You needn't say anymore. I understand." We continued to talk about other things.

"Did you manage to get revenge on the crocodile who killed mother?" I asked.

"I-" he chuckled. "Revenge is no longer the path I've elected to take." I smiled happily. Suddenly, it clicked for me: if I wasn't able to change my father's mind about revenge, then clearly, someone else had. I looked over at Emma and back at Killian, he'd noticed. I began cackling with laughter: he'd fallen for the Saviour and she'd helped him become a better  man - whether she knew it or not. "Rizon-" he stated with a sheepish smile, his face blushing red. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Have you confessed to her, yet?" I whispered, hoping she couldn't hear me. Killian looked into his lap and nervously tapped his ringed fingers against the coconut shell. "Oh, so you have."

"I kissed her... but she is in love with another."

"Henry's father: my brother?" He didn't reply. "Oh, that feels so weird! You won't let that stop you, though." I knew my father. And I could tell the Saviour was certainly someone special.

"She doesn't know he's alive. And she's not being told in case something happens." I nodded slowly. "We're going to find him," he said.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now