Who is in Control?

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As soon he'd taught me to read, my father made me practice the notes that came with my fire sword. He made me learn everything by-heart and recite it every day for weeks before he was certain I wouldn't forget it. Afterwards, to keep me safe from any pursuers of the fire sword's power, my father burned the paper with a torch.

I had to play along. Of course Pan couldn't control me by using my heart. But to prevent any problems, I had to do everything he said. My father had told me how; he said that I could hear anything that was said into the heart and that I had to say everything I was told to say precisely, since it could be used to see what I was doing.


Rizon was rushing around her cabin in an attempt to hide the crew's rations. Her mouth was full of roasted potato slices. She could hear her father's hard boot steps growing louder, and she just about choked on her food as she gasped. "Rizon!" Killian exclaimed, thrusting the cabin door wide open. Rizon was sat on her bed, the potatoes swallowed and the rest of the food hidden. "Rizon," Killian began - more calmly, "do you know where the rations are?" Of course he knew the answer, but he wanted to know that his daughter wouldn't lie to him.

"No," Rizon replied, despite knowing full well that she had been caught. She struggled to meet the captain's sea-coloured eyes with her own.

"Are you sure?" He asked, sitting beside her on the bed. She nodded her head, still refusing his gaze. "Rizon, lying is not your forte... but you may need it for the future," Killian considered. "I will teach you how to lie properly on the condition that you never lie to me again." Rizon's head snapped up to look at him, disbelief on her little face. Killian stood and nearly laughed, before pulling a crate of food from beneath her bed. Rizon bowed her head. "Mr Smee saw you." Killian chuckled. "And I know how to spot a lie well." Rizon stayed silent. "Come, starfish. Let us return this food to those who need it." The young girl nodded, before slipping off of her bed and helping her father lift the heavy (in her opinion) crates.


"Please don't do this," I said to Pan; giving him a chance to return my heart to me.

"My decision has already been made."
I ran towards him, flaming-red fire sword in hand, my eyes gleaming a bright red. I was going to cut off his arm. I was going to get my heart back. I was going to rid the island of this tampering scoundrel- "stop." He barked into the heart. I halted in my tracks, trembling with anger and pure hatred.

"What do you want from me?" It occurred to me then that it may not have been the best idea to tell him that I didn't regret being his girlfriend; perhaps he wanted me back..?

"I want you to stop interfering with my plans!" He shouted.

"Leave my nephew alone!" I shouted back. It felt weird saying that: my nephew. But of course, he was. And since he was a member of my family, why wouldn't I protect him? Pan didn't say anything for a moment, he was staring at me with a stoic and unreadable expression. He lifted my glowing red heart to his lips and whispered:

"Kiss me."

I winced, but I had to do it. I stepped forward and he closed his eyes. Our lips pressed together but I kept my eyes open in case he tried to do anything. I saw Neal in the distance, shocked to see me kissing Pan. I pointed to the heart in the boy's hand as a tear slid down my cheek. I was disgusted. Neal nodded, before approaching. I made the kiss more intimate, trying to distract Pan, but he pushed me away. Neal hid behind a tree. It was worth the attempt. "You still love me." Pan smirked. I hadn't thought about that... I didn't think I did. I preferred him when he was gentle and sweet, but he never was, not really. "Do me a favour, Rizon... go and kill Pick." I swore in my head and gritted my teeth. Pan teleported away in a puff of green smoke.


I had to find some way to trick Pan... or tell Pick his plan. How... how would I do that? "Rizon!" Neal exclaimed, running out from behind the tree.

"Keep Pick safe; Pan has ordered me to kill him you must keep him away from me!" I exclaimed, before I felt the demon boy speak into my missing body part.

"What?" Neal asked, before nodding.

"Neal," I began, instructed by Pan now. "I need you to give Pick a message." I shook my head subtly as I spoke to show I was being 'controlled'.

"What is it?" He asked, with a curt nod to show he understood. I pretended to struggle to speak to further emphasise the fact that I didn't want it to be said.

"Tell Pick I need to speak to him. I'll meet him by the Dreamshade cliff at sundown." I smiled. He nodded, before we headed our separate ways.

"Well done, Rizon; there's a good girl." Pan whispered into the heart. Bloody hell...

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now