Wendy and Baelfire

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Once deep in the forest, we reached a cage made of... wood? It looked as if mature bamboo shoots had been strung together with twine. There didn't even seem to be a door, let alone space to stand up inside. Sitting in the ridiculous cage was a girl with flowing blonde-brown hair, wearing a white night gown. She was hugging her knees, a sad look on her countenance. "Wendy?" Pick asked, rapping on the wood politely. She gasped as she look up to see us and we crouched down on the soil to see her properly.

"Pick!" She exclaimed, her brown eyes widening in surprise. Then she noticed me. Perhaps she'd had a bad past with pirates previously because when she noticed my black leather coat, my flintlock, my black eyeliner and my black leather boots, she backed further into her cage. "Who's this?" She asked Pick. My face dropped: the first girl she'd seen in probably a very long time, and this was the reaction I got?

"This is Rizon. She's trapped here for a while, too."

"Trapped?" I exclaimed. No, no, no, no, no, I will not have that, I thought to myself - my face the spitting image of 'panic'. "Not trapped; waiting. I'm waiting for my father to come and take me home." I nodded, probably trying to assure myself more than Pick and Wendy. "I'm Rizon Jones, daughter of Killian Jones."

"Captain Hook?" Wendy exclaimed in a panic.

"That's the one." She backed away from me, as if it would make any difference. "I'm here because he saved me from Blackbeard. Long story. To shorten it: I'm here, my father isn't. I have to wait until a curse is broken, then I'll be reunited with him."

"How long will that take?" Both Pick and Wendy asked. I hesitated.
"Well, I don't think I've had the pleasure of introducing myself to you formally," Wendy began, changing the subject and trying to smile, "I'm Wendy Moira Angela Darling. I'm here because I tried to help save one of my friends... but he didn't need my help. He escaped before I got here."

"Oh," I replied. This story was beginning to sound too familiar. "What was his name?"

"Baelfire. He was from another land-"

"Okay, you can stop there, I need to go now, sorry to be rude, see you later!" I rushed to say as I got up and ran off, calling for Pan. Where was that filthy bilge rat?


It was another fine night on the Jolly Roger. Rizon was young and had long been sent to sleep. Killian was standing, staring at a crumpled drawing of Milah. Mr Smee approached him, his bright red beanie identifying him distinctively. "Milah was quite beautiful, wasn't she?" He asked kindly. Killian tried to hide the drawing in his pocket, turning away from him. "Don't worry, Captain, you will avenge her. No matter what it takes, I know you'll find a way to kill Rumplestiltskin."

Killian appreciated the faith that Smee had in him, despite seldom showing it. "Mr Smee, what news of the day's catch: the boy we yanked from the sea?" He wanted to change the subject.

"He's still asleep - a bit waterlogged and smells of catfish but he'll live," he replied, nodding affirmatively.

"Where do you suppose he came from?" Killian asked as he stepped away from Smee and walked down the wooden steps onto the ship's waist deck.

"Hm?" Smee asked.

"Not many other ships in the area and his clothes... are certainly not of this land." Killian explained.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now