The Frigate that Flies

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"What did he do to you, when he moved you?" I asked Wendy. She had climbed all the way up to the Crow's Nest to speak to me, and we were looking out through the clouds. I placed my coat around her shoulders as the wind whipped through our hair. It was frightfully cold. I drew my fire sword and conjured a warming orange light to surround the ship.

"He made Henry believe that I was sick, and that he was saving me. I told him the truth as soon as I could."

I wrapped my arms around her. "Just as long as you're okay." She relaxed into my arms.

"I feel so safe when I'm with you. I'm so grateful for you, but I'm not from this world and- my brothers..."

I had tried to forget about that. "I know."

"It's hard to believe that we're really free."

"Aye." A tear stung my eye. I didn't want to say goodbye to her. She moved out of my embrace and held my hands in hers.

"I'll never forget you, Rizon."

"And I, you. I hope perhaps we can meet again."

"I hope so, too."

We both knew it wasn't going to happen. But for now, we were happy just looking into one another's eyes. We were okay to relish in the moment. Because, in the end, that's all life really is: a long collection of different moments.

So, when I picked her up in my arm and jumped from the crow's nest, only to grab one of the free ropes from the rigging and swing us safely back down, I relished in her surprised squeal and delighted giggle. Because I would always remember her more contently than I'd ever remember Peter.

Afterwards, she went to speak to Tinkerbell, saying that she had something to give her. That was when I had the chance to speak to my father.


"I cannot express how happy I am that you're here," my father said to me. "I never want to lose you again, I'll never-..."

"It's okay."

"It's not, Rizon. I was too scared to take care of you and I was too set on my bloody revenge to raise you the way you deserved." My shoulders dropped. He was right. "And now it's been so long and you haven't even aged properly. All because I couldn't-... all because I didn't prioritise you."

"We're going back to Storybrooke. I'm happy to restart, if you're still willing to have a daughter. I can't change what's happened, but I'm glad I was able to help you when you needed me."

He wrapped his arms around me. "Of course I want to have a daughter. As soon as I left, every day I imagined you by my side, giving me advice, pushing me forward. I wouldn't be half the man I am today if it weren't for you, Rizon. And I mean that."

I smiled, taking it all in. "Can I have a new shell?" I asked. "Pan broke mine. And, I managed to recover my journals from my time in Neverland. You can read them, if you like."

"I'd love nothing more. As for the shell, well..."


"It's a very dangerous journey..."

"With Krakens and giant whales?"

"Not even the famed Sparrow dared to venture so far."

"Should I chart a course, Captain?"

"Ha! Not without my maps, Starfish." He beamed, a tear in his eye. "I can't wait to sail the seven seas with you again. But first, there is much to be done."


I joined Regina in my father's quarters to check on Henry. He could barely keep his eyes open. Regina placed her hand over his chest and it emanated a yellow glow. "It stings," he said. "What's that for?"

"A spell so that no one can ever take your heart again."

"Thanks, mum."

She kissed his forehead. When she turned, she jumped at the sight of me. "Rizon! I didn't know you were here."

"My apologies. I don't trust Pan and I know what he's like so I'm going to stay here and guard Henry," I stated.

"You're going to guard him?"

"Like a dog, your majesty."

She smiled, thanking me, before leaving the quarters.

I moved into the corner and drew my flintlock, cocking it. I wasn't taking any chances.

As if my intuition was perfect, Pan teleported into the room and approached Henry - he hadn't seen me. "I'm sorry it had to come to this, Henry."

Henry, wide awake now, sat bolt upright in the bed. "What are you doing?"

"I wanted your heart, Henry, but your mother took it away from me." He reached to Henry's chest and tried to pull out his heart, but the yellow glow stung his fingers. "Oh, how clever," he seethed. Correct. We're not taking any chances.

I shot his hand from where I stood and he yelped in pain. I pulled him toward me and kicked him hard in the shin, before drawing my fire sword and plunging it into his chest. "I'm sorry," I said to him. "But you chose the wrong side." I twisted the sword and he choked and coughed, trying to claw at my arms.

"Please," he begged.

Ignoring him, I withdrew my sword and stepped back as he fell to the deck. The door flung open to reveal Rumplestiltskin and Regina. They took a look at me and at the former immortal on the deck in front of me. "Told you," I said to Regina as I panted from adrenaline. "Guard dog."

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now