The Elixir of Hope

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We'd reunited with Regina, and met the Dark One. They'd brought a message from the mermaid I'd met when I first arrived, Ariel. She said that Wendy's brothers are in Storybrooke, waiting for her. This was good; there would be a higher possibility of her being returned home safely.

"Seeing how close we are to Pan's compound, I don't want to be surprised by any Lost Boys on patrol," Prince David began. "We should be careful."

"Good idea," Snow replied. She and Emma started talking, as I went to speak to my father.

"We'll find Wendy, don't worry. But we need to do what we came here for," he said, upon noticing my tearful expression.

"We need to talk," Emma said to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and completely ignoring me. I wasn't sure if I liked her quite yet. So far, she seemed set on breaking my father's and brother's hearts by turning down their love for her. Then again, it was her duty to prioritise my nephew. Goodness, how weird it all felt...
"There has to be a way for David and Rizon to leave the island. Tell me about your brother; what happened? I know it can't be easy to talk about-..."
I'd never met my Uncle Liam, but I'd heard many great tales about him.

"Then let's not, shall we? The water that cured Rizon and David from Dreamshade is connected into the island. If they leave, the connection is broken, and they..." he looked at me.

"What if we take some of the water with us, that way they stay connected and can stay alive in Storybrooke."

"For how long? Once the water runs out..."

"I believe I can create an elixir," the Dark One stated. Killian and Emma looked at him: hope in their light eyes. "You're suddenly interested in what I have to say? Well, if you remember, I was poisoned with Dreamshade myself. And I discovered much about the poison, for a price..."

"No," Neal began. "You're going to give it to them for free, because it's the right thing to do." The Dark One thought for a moment, before agreeing. I may not have known him well, but I did know this: he would have done anything for his son, just as my father would do anything for me.

"Fine," the Dark One began. My father and I exchanged surprised looks. "I'll do as you ask." Emma walked off to tell David and I left with Rumple to find Pan: to Skull Rock.


"Hello, laddy. And Rizon, what a pleasant surprise!"

"Don't look so happy," I sneered.

He ignored me, looking over to the box in the Dark One's hand. He still hadn't told me what it was. "I see you've come bearing gifts."

"Where's Henry?" He asked.

"You mean my great-grandson?"


"You still haven't told the others who I really am." Pan began, stepping up to a giant hourglass. "Not even your own son: why?"

"You've not even told Rizon in all the years she's been here. You're nothing but a coward to me," Rumple sneered.

"We both know if that were true, I'd already be in that box." So he was planning to trap him.

"So, you don't think I can do it? You let me in here to... taunt me?" The Dark One asked.

"No: to see you again. I let you in to give you one last chance. Stay with me, both of you. Let this go. Let's start over."

"You speak about chance if you were not the one who made the mistake," I said.

Rumple nodded at my words. "Do you think we want to be with you? Do you think I'd ever forgive you after you abandoned me? After you broke your promise to Rizon's father to protect her?"

I looked over at the huge golden sand timer. It was decorated with golden skulls and filled with magic. And it was running low. Pan's time, I assumed, was running out. "After all these years, I thought you'd be more understanding," Pan began. "You traded your own son for the power of a Dagger and I traded you for youth - we're a lot more alike than you care to admit. And Rizon," he turned to face me. "You could have told me straight away that I couldn't use your heart to control you - but you thought you'd be sneaky. You're the reason Pick is dead."

"We are nothing alike," Rumple seethed.

"Of course we are. And it's nothing to be ashamed about - neither one of us was cut out to be a father, my boy."

I spoke next. "You wanted me so much that you took my only friends away from me. And you poisoned me to make Henry trust you. You're so selfish."

"But I care for you, both of you. We can start over."

"Yeah, I'll do that. Just not with you." Rumple ran his hand over the box. Nothing happened. I folded my arms, confused. "I don't understand."

"'Cause you don't have it," Pan stated, holding up an identical box.

"You switched them..?" I asked.

"'Follow the lady.' Still having trouble believing? In Neverland, if you have the mind for it, all you have to do is think of something to have it! Rizon learnt that on her first day." He winked at me. "Even something fake. But the real one - well, let's see what it can do." I leapt out of the way as red smoke emerged from the box, engulfing the Dark One. "I'm sorry, Rumple. You had your chance. The choice was yours." The box clicked and Pan looked at me, smirking gleefully.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now