Character Trivia and Headcanons

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♣There will be spoilers for all seasons of Once Upon A Time, you have been warned :)

(I'm leaving a gap so you have time to click off in case you accidentally read anything)

In the regular OUAT world:
• Part of Rizon grieved the loss of Pan but she knew she was better off without him
• She helped Henry write her story into his book when he became the Writer
• When Henry went to the other world in the last season, she visited him once or twice, but elected to stay in Storybrooke once she caused some confusion with her alternate self
• Eventually, she and Wendy reunited and married, she finally found her true love!

In the world without the final Dark Curse:
• Rizon is named 'Nerissa' (meaning 'Sea Nymph') in Hyperion Heights
• Rizon is the older sister of Alice (Tilly)
• Killian rescued her from Neverland as soon as he got the chance and she didn't have a romantic relationship with Pan
• Rizon left her father for a short while when he became irresponsible with alcohol, but they were reunited when he regained his 'sanity'.
• She was in the group of resistance against Lady Tremaine
• She didn't seek love because she was focused on staying with her father and finding her sister
• Rizon was also brought into the final Dark Curse because she wanted to stay with her father and find her sister
• Just as Nook taught Alice how to play Chess in the tower, Rizon taught her how to swordfight
• When Killian's heart was cursed so that he couldn't be near Alice, Rizon would pass on gifts/messages etc from him.
• During the Dark Curse, Rizon lives with Detective Rogers and works in the library with her best friend, Margot (Nobin).

Personal Headcanons:
• In the 'Wish World', Mulan actually manages to tell Aurora that she loves her
• Killian won't admit it but he loves Pirates of the Caribbean (Emma once caught him humming/listening to a tune while making breakfast when he was really happy one morning)
• Zelena sometimes sings songs from Wicked
• Regina sometimes joins her
• Regina watched the all versions of Robin Hood when he died to try to grieve, but it didn't help
• Alice listens to Melanie Martinez (much to Nook's confusion - but he doesn't judge)
• By order of Zeus, Belle and Rumple became Guardian Angels

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now