Reunited at Last

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Tink took Regina's heart in her hand. "Do you know what you cost me?" She walked over to the wall - probably to hide the tears in her eyes from Regina.

"Your wings," Regina replied, realisation in her voice and guilt in her face.

"Why?" Tink spat, still clutching the queen's glowing red heart.

"Why what?" Regina asked, still standing quite far behind her. "Why did I hand over my heart?"

"No, why did you lie!?" Tink exclaimed, turning to look at her again. "Because I've been over it a million times. And that spell worked! You never went in; it's the only explanation." I zoned out. A spell to find out who my true love was would have been great before coming to Neverland: that way, I wouldn't have bothered with Pan. And if he was my true love, there must have been a grave mistake...

I zoned back in on another part of their conversation. "I won't kill you. But I won't help you either. Besides, it's probably too late. He's been with him too long."


Tink and I left the cave and we were met with a small group of people, pointing swords at us. Among them... was my father. "Where's Regina?" One of them asked - a woman with blonde hair.

"Who the hell are you?" Tinkerbell asked.

"Rizon?" My father asked when he saw me. He dropped his sword and we ran to one another to hug. "Starfish, are you alright? I'm so sorry I left you, I'm so sorry." We cried with joy, overwhelmed to see one another again. The group of people with him seemed shocked when they saw me; one of them even mouthed 'who is she?' to another of them - who shrugged in response, bafflement clear on her white face.

"Hello, Hook." Tinkerbell stated.

"Lady Bell."

"She's not gonna help us," Regina stated, looking at the grass. "And she doesn't have any magic."

"I can help-" I began.

"No, you're staying with us where you're safe and you're not going anywhere near that bloody demon." Killian stated. It was understandable; he was adamant not to lose me again. But that didn't make it excusable; I'd been there for nearly thirty years, I had learnt the hard way who Pan was. I was sure I could at least give this group of people some pointers.

"Who are you; a lost girl?" The woman with blonde hair asked. There was stress evident on her face.

"I was..." I replied. I looked down at my clothes. Instead of being dressed in full pirate garb, I was wearing pied fabrics and furs. I looked like a real landlubber ruffian. "Pan has done far too many inexcusable things."

"Hook, is she..?"

"My daughter, yes." He began, "Rizon, this is Emma - the Saviour - and her parents, Mary Margaret and David, also known as Snow White and Prince Charming." I waved politely, silently wondering if I was going to remember all their names. Emma, Regina and Tinkerbell were still talking.

"The Saviour is the one who broke Regina's curse?" I asked.

"That's right, starfish," he smiled. It felt too good to be true. I was terrified I would wake up and it would all be a dream; a fantasy invented by Pan to torment me. My father must have noticed this because he pulled me towards him. "You're safe now," he whispered, "you can tell me all about it when we have time." I wasn't sure if I could tell him everything. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was that we were reunited at last.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now