The Jolly Roger

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*Warning, mildly sexual content!*

The family rushed to Henry, trying to wake him up. "What did you do to him?" Emma asked Pan as he floated smugly to the ground. It was a wonder why she bothered asking. He wasn't one to say anything that would be helpful for anyone else. Then again, he'd just given me intel on an uncle without realising it.

"Oh, I didn't do anything, Emma. Henry offered me his heart of his own free-will." Emma drew a sword I didn't realise she had, pointing it threateningly in his direction.

"I can take it back from you," she threatened. Pan raised his eyebrow. When she lunged, he teleported next to me, Pandora's Box in his hand. I glared at him, tempted to hit him myself.

"I don't think you have it in you. Rumplestiltskin didn't - why should you?"

"What did you do?" Neal asked.

"He trapped him," I stated. "Rumple can't help us. He trapped me too, but that failed." He glared at me. "What makes you think that Emma won't go to the ends of the Earth for her son?"

"Because that will be her downfall."

"Really?" She asked, striking for him again. She cut his arm. "How did that feel?"

"Like a tickle," he replied, before floating upward. "Are you coming, Rizon?" The fact that he would even suggest that... taking my offended silence as a 'no', he flew out of Skull Rock.


We returned to camp and Wendy was there among the others. There were a few Lost Boys, too: the younger ones who'd known for a long time they made a mistake running away and wanted to return home to their parents. But they couldn't.
"Wendy!" I exclaimed when I saw her, not worrying about anything else. We embraced and I kissed her forehead.

We placed Henry on a mattress and she placed a damp cloth on his forehead. Regina had placed a Preservation Spell on him to keep him alive: a dormant state, though it was.

"I'm so happy to see you, Rizon," Wendy said to me, a bright smile on her beautiful face. I stroked her cheek and she leaned into my hand.

"I'm so glad you're safe. When I came back to see the cage gone, I... I thought he'd-..."

"Ssh, you needn't think of that now. I'm right here." I smiled, relief flowing through me. We were making progress. We were going to be all right.

The others were talking to the Lost Boys. Emma, Snow and Regina were planning to go to the Pixie Woods to find Pandora's Box: a place Pan had only brought me to once.

The warm glow of afternoon filled the island, and I felt the warmth of the sun on my skin as Pan led me further into the forest, his palms covering my eyes. "Watch your step - good girl. Okay, now keep your eyes closed." He removed his hands from my eyes and slowly moved them down my body, caressing my curves as they rested on my hips. From there, he lifted me up and placed me down to sit on a rock. I could hear the babble of water flowing to my right, and some birds singing in the trees to my left. The air smelled sweet and fresh and I could feel the presence of old and faded magic, dotted around me like floating dandelion seeds. "Okay, you can open your eyes," Pan said to me.

There was a pool of rocks with water spilling in from stones on the right, and all around were moss-covered rocks and fallen tree trunks. I was sitting on one such rock and ran my hands over the soft, fuzzy moss. I looked up and shielded my eyes from the lurid sun. There were a few white puffs of cloud in the sky, but they did nothing to dampen the sunlight. A faint breeze ruffled through the little white flowers on the bank.

With a click of his fingers, Pan removed his garments, leaving himself in just his underwear. I gasped when he did the same to me: my clothes immediately folding themselves on a flat rock next to me, my fire sword atop them. I found that, thankfully, I wasn't cold. Pan waded into the water and stood in front of me. He parted my knees and placed a few kisses on my neck as his hands made his way to my ass, gripping it tenderly as he picked me up. Suddenly, he leaned back, and plunged us both into the water. We were both laughing as we surfaced.

"Rizon, are you staying with us?" The voice of Neal snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yes!" I responded, unsure of what I'd agreed to.

"We're going to gather the Lost Boys and get them aboard the Jolly Roger. We're going to prepare the ship to fly," Neal explained. The boys exchanged delighted faces: they were going to go on a pirate ship! And I was going home.

"Let's hope you have a Pegasus sail," my father began to him, "otherwise, we're at the mercy of the trade winds."

"Pan's shadow's in here, it'll get us home," Neal responded, slinging a leather bag over his shoulder. "As long as your ship holds together."

My father looked down his nose at him. "Well, as long as your plan holds together, she will."


The Jolly Roger. It was just as I remembered! Triangular white sails strung from three masts; a hull painted gold, blue and brown; a lively crew..! "Where's the crew?" I asked my father.

"Ah... they did not venture with us on this journey," my father said. "They're all right, never you mind. I believe most of them are back in the Enchanted Forest."

"Doing what?" I asked. "Part of the crew, part of the ship: that's how it's always been!"

"Lots has changed, starfish. I'll explain it all to you later..."


I bound Felix with ropes and sat him against the ship's hull. "You're a traitor," he seethed.

"No. Pan betrayed me so many times, and I kept forgiving him. You were just unfortunate to stay on the losing side."

I went to help my father with the ship, as I was always meant to. Some of the lost boys helped in loosening the sails so that it would be easier to make a quick getaway if we needed.

When Regina, Emma and Snow returned, they rushed to Henry, and Regina carefully pushed his heart back into his chest. He didn't move. I took Wendy's hand in mine, and after a few painful seconds, he gasped, his brown eyes snapping open. Wendy squeezed my hand, a smile on her face.
"I'm sorry," Henry panted. "I wanted to save magic; I wanted to be a hero."

"There's plenty of time for that," Prince Charming said.

"Now is a time for rest," Snow added.

"Only the best for our guest of honour, don't you think? Captain's Quarters," my father decided. I blinked in disbelief. My father approached me and placed his ringed fingers on my shoulders. "Don't worry, starfish. Your room's still there, you can go back to it later. But now, it's to the crow's nest with you. Keep a weather eye on the horizon."

"Yes, Captain."

I climbed up the ladder, straining a bit more than I'd ever done. It had been a long time since I'd properly climbed something - even if time did stand still on Neverland.

Emma lit a cannon, Regina prepared her magic and Neal opened the coconut holding Pan's Shadow.

He escaped with an irate screech and Regina surged a force of green magic toward him. I ordered the lost boys to angle the sail forward and, with a bit of a struggle, they succeeded. Regina's magic fused the shadow to the sail and it quickly turned black with the power of the evil creature.

"Do you think it'll fly?" Emma asked.

"It has no choice," Regina responded. I looked down at my father, who I could see nodding at me.

"Way anchor!" I called, and a group of lost boys rushed to the capstan. We soon took to the air, the darkening sky surrounding us as we left the shores of Neverland.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now