Pick. (Part 1)

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I trusted Neal. But if Pan was keeping an eye on me; I couldn't trust myself. I needed a backup plan if things... didn't turn out well. I had a very difficult choice to make if that happened:
Reveal to Pan that he couldn't control me, or... lose my best friend. Yes, Wendy and I had grown close during my time in the cage, but I saw her as more of a crush than a best friend (yes, I, Rizon Jones, am a Birate - I just hope my father doesn't mind it).

Fleeting romances aside, I needed to head to where the Dreamshade grew. Pan had shown me where it was when we had been together, just so I knew what it was and wouldn't make the mistake of taking it for some interesting type of herbal tea...
I sat leaning against the cliff, facing the Dreamshade bushes. I unsheathed my sword and turned it over and over in my hands, before pressing in a crystal on the handle and turning the switch that extended the blade. The flame was a sickening green-yellow. Something was wrong.


"Starfish, what are you doing?" Killian asked his daughter. She was sitting on the steps of the ship, turning her fire sword over and over in her hands, turning switches and pressing in crystals on the handle.

"The fire is blue and yellow, father." The young girl replied, still focused on the magical tool.

"What does that mean?" Needless to say, Killian was always impressed and intrigued by what his daughter was doing. He knelt in front of her. Rizon seemed to think for a moment, turning the sword over and over again as if trying to read a hidden message.

"Look port; far away."

Killian rushed to the edge of the boat and pulled out his telescope. "A trading ship! They're only passing by."

Rizon turned her sword again; a flash of red surged through the blade, but only for a moment. If she'd blinked, she would have missed it.

"No... no, they're not. Father, look out!" Sure enough, the trading ship had sent out a cannonball, and it was screaming towards them.

"You heard the lass, prepare for battle, boys!" Like clockwork, the men rushed around the ship; going below deck to fetch cannonballs, manning the cannons, climbing up to the crow's nest to keep an eye out for any other ships - as well as incoming cannonballs.

Luckily, due to Rizon's sharp mind and his skill, Killian managed to turn the ship before the cannonball could hit. The captain looked at his daughter, who had hooked her sword back onto her belt and was walking towards one of the cannons. "Rizon, what are you doing?!" Killian shouted. The girl ignored him, before pushing the burly man who was attending the cannon out of the way and adjusting it - ever so slightly - to the right. The cannon fired. The ball flew into the air and connected with one of the other ship's, causing them both to break and drop into the ocean. What confused Killian more specifically was how his six-year-old daughter had managed to move a grown man in his thirties without effort.


Pan having my heart was one thing, but from the colours on my fire sword, there was a possibility he had Pick's. Maybe he'd figured out that having my heart wouldn't do anything, but if he had Pick's... he could force us to fight so that I had to kill him. Oh no.

I stood up rapidly as soon as I heard the rustle of leaves and footsteps nearby. "Neal has told me the truth about you, Rizon." The angered voice of Pick growled. It can't be him. "And I'm here to kill you." How blunt. I turned around.

"What truth?" I asked. "Why do you want to kill me?"

"Because you're a LIAR!" His voice screeched, and he leapt out from behind a rock, poorly wielding a sword. I parried easily with my fiery blade and pushed my boot into his stomach, knocking him to the ground.

"Has Pan got your heart?" I asked. He stared at me blankly. "Pick..?"

"He can't talk unless I speak into..."

"This." Pick stated. I turned to see Pan walking towards me, a gleaming red heart in his claw-like hand.

"Kill her." He snarled into it. I cursed under my breath.


Pick stood up and attempted holding the sword in his hand. The way he was holding it... I could easily have batted it from him with my hand. I wasn't going to try. I looked over at Pan - he was leaning against a rock and was tossing and catching the heart in his hand. Mine was attached to his belt. Whenever he tossed Pick's heart, I saw Pick shift in and out of his own mind; as if he was trying to fight Pan's control. As his heart was in the air at one point, he shook his head at me, tears brimming in his eyes. I wasn't sure what that meant. Pan spoke into the heart; he and Pick spoke at the same time. "There is something you regret! You lied!" He lunged the sword forward.

"Why does it matter so much?" I asked, parrying and turning my blade ever so slightly so that Pick's sword was knocked out of his hand. "And where the bloody hell did you get a sword from?" Pan chuckled, before nodding at Pick to speak.

"The Truest Believer."
Now I had another problem; I couldn't let Pan corrupt my nephew, and if he was conjuring swords - of all things - I could no longer prioritise myself.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now