The Dream

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A winding, labyrinth-like corridor confused me as I tried to observe and memorise its path. I'm lost, I thought, beginning to sweat as my breathing shallowed. When I finally reached a door, it opened in front of me onto the deck of the Jolly Roger. "I'm home," I sighed. But I was alone on the vessel. I hurried to the edge. Sand. Sand everywhere. No water in sight. "Davy Jones' Locker?" I asked no one.

"Aye, starfish," a voice said from behind me. I whipped around. It was my father, but he wasn't the same. Black barnacles covered half of his face, and there was a pirate in a long red coat behind him, holding a sword to Killian's back as he laughed menacingly. Blackbeard.


"I guess you don't like sleep then," a low, somewhat-amused voice said, waking me up. I wiped the sweat off my brow and sat up, groaning.

"That was only the first night," I sighed, almost inaudible. I reached frantically into my pocket for the shell, surprised that it was still intact after my inevitable tossing and turning. "Hello?" I said into the shell.

"Starfish? What's wrong?"

"It was... a nightmare. The Locker, Blackbeard-..." I exclaimed hastily. Killian hushed me and arms wrapped around me, I closed my eyes and embraced the embracer, keeping the shell close to my face.

"Pan will protect you. Blackbeard has been dealt with-..."

"So come back! Come back for me, come back!"

"Something dangerous is coming, Rizon. A Dark Curse-" he said no more. I realised that the embracer was Peter, and I dropped the shell and shoved him away hastily, before hurrying out of the hut.

"I can't believe I wore boots to bed," I muttered as I walked.


I headed to camp and sat on a fallen log, bringing my cold elbows to my knees. I wasn't wearing the black coat that flowed to my ankles. It was probably in the hut. I sighed and sighed again. "Hello, Lost Girl," someone said suddenly. I jumped up onto the log and wielded my fire sword in my hand, only to see a Lost Boy I didn't know the name of. He laughed. "You're quite jumpy, aren't you?"

"I need to be sharp. I'm a pirate," I replied, sheathing my sword and sitting on the log once more as it rolled forward a little.

"Not here, you're not," he replied as he sat next to me. He extended his hand. "Pick; nice to meet you, beaut." I laughed at his flamboyant bravado, extending my own hand.

"Likewise, Pick. Rizon." Suddenly, the boy pulled me closer to him and kissed my hand.

"PICK!" Someone's deep voice shouted. Peter's.

Pick winked at me. "He's jealous, so he's into you." We both laughed, where have you been all my life, Pick? Peter rolled his eyes, before breathing in and walking over to me with purpose.

"I'm going to take you somewhere," he said to me, grabbing my arm.

"Oo-ooh," Pick cooed. We laughed until Peter slapped him across the face. Tears spilled from his eyes as his pink lips trembled. That did it. I wriggled out of Peter's grasp and stood to stare him in his forest-coloured eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I growled at him. "You're supposed to be taking care of these boys, not making them feel sad and useless. And don't you dare hurt anyone unless it's self defence." He seemed at a loss for words, which was strange; my father had called him a demon. I continued. "I don't care what power you have or what deal my father made with you. If you mistreat your crew you may as well not have them. And if you defy me on this then I may as well swim far away from here, because I don't give a damn about what curse is coming." With that, I turned to leave.

Peter didn't follow this time, but I heard him call from behind me. "They're not my crew, they're my Lost Boys." I bitterly ignored him. My second day and he'd already proved to be a tyrant.

A/N: The dream was inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean. but Davy Jones' Locker is actually the bottom of the ocean in pirate lore (I do my research XD).

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