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It had been over a year. My father contacted me rarely, inconsistently and scarcely; always speaking in hushed tones and saying how he was close to getting me back. I wasn't sure if I believed him anymore.

Pan and I were on my bed, kissing passionately, until Felix called him from outside my hut. "We have word of the boy you've been looking for," he said, with as much expression as a dead fish. Who was this 'boy'? Pan kissed me one more time before leaving.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a bit," he instructed. I wasn't sure if he knew how many hickeys I'd put on his neck, but I figured he'd do what he always did: magic them away the second I wasn't looking and then tell me that my love bites were weak and didn't last for more than ten minutes. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head and take in Neverland's scenery for what was at least the thousandth time (with no exaggeration).


During my walk through the green, gloomy and canopy-shaded part of the forest, I caught a glimpse of someone walking past me. "What?" I whispered to myself, whipping around. I put my hand on my fire sword, ready to draw it.

"Rizon?" I whipped around to see a man wearing a light blue shirt. He wasn't from here.

"Who are you?" I asked, keeping my hand on the hilt.

"It's me," he said, approaching with a smile. "Your brother, Baelfire. But the name's Neal now."

"Baelfire." I breathed, dropping my hands to my sides. I ran to my brother and hugging him.

"Whatever you do, don't trust Pan," he whispered. "Look, Rizon," he held my shoulders. "Hook sent me here before and I managed to escape. Now I'm back and I'm trying to get home."

A sad memory filled my mind. "I know, Pan told me... Home where?"

"There's a place called 'Storybrooke', but your father-..."

"He told me of that place; a land made by a curse: a land without magic."

"Yes, my son's there. But your father's-..."

"Pan's my boyfriend," I blurted in a panic.

"What?" Neal exclaimed. "No, Rizon, no!" It was then that he noticed the hickeys on my neck, "He's not gonna be happy about that... or those." He pointed out.

"He doesn't treat me as if he loves me," I said quietly.

"Well of course he doesn't! The only thing Pan cares about is himself. Break up with him, stay with me." I gave him a dejected look. It had been too long. "You're too attached, aren't you? You're dependent." Tears stung my eyes as I nodded. He embraced me again. "It's all right, I'll let you go. But when worse comes to worst," he moved to look into my eyes. "Don't forget who your family are."

"Alright, Bae- Neal. I won't betray you; I'll try." Now Baelfire was back in Neverland, with me. The stakes were higher now, and if something happened, I needed to make sure I chose the right side. "Shall I tell Hook you're here?"


"I've got a shell-" I checked my pockets. I couldn't find it. "It might be back at my hut."

"Don't worry about it. I'll get us off this island and back to Storybrooke soon." I agreed, and he walked further into the forest.


While venturing back to my hut, I noticed Pan leaning on a tree, throwing and catching my shell in his hand. It was glinting in the emerging sunlight as he tossed it. Oh no. "Peter," I began." Why'd you have my shell?" There were tears in his mysterious eyes.

"When your father comes back for you... I'm going to lose you." He averted his gaze.

"You can come back with us, we can live together and-"

"No, I can't. There's a reason I've always stayed so young, Rizon." He sighed, walking towards me. "I'm sorry." He crushed the shell in his hand.

"NO!" I cried, running towards the pieces on the ground, pathetically trying to piece them together. "No, no, you can't! PAN, YOU'RE A BLOODY DEMON AND I-"

"Shh," he said gently, placing a finger to my lips. "Your father's days are numbered. But with me, you can live forever. We can spend our days on this island-"

"Don't you get it, Pan?" I whispered, standing and gripping his arms. "I don't want to be stuck on an island, I want to be free to sail the ocean. I'm a pirate! You've just destroyed the one thing that could connect me to my father. Fix it or I'm breaking up with you."

"Oh, don't be silly. Would you really choose him over me?" That was a horrid and unfair question. I should have gone with Neal. I shouldn't have come back to Pan.

"You don't love me, Pan. The only thing you care about is yourself." I turned to walk away but Pan grabbed my arm. I suddenly felt very faint, the forest spinning around as though I was looking through a kaleidoscope. He caught me as I fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Rizon. But if you're not on my side then that means you're a threat to me. And I always win so I'm going to have to put you aside for later." The world went dark and his voice sounded muffled. I felt him kiss my lips just before I slipped out of consciousness.

Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now