Pick. (Part 2)

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Pan's POV

"The truth is, there is something I regret." Rizon stated. We were standing next to one another on the beach of Neverland, my arm draped around her shoulders.

"What is that, my little lost girl?" I asked her, before kissing her on the cheek. She turned slightly to look at me.

"I regret leaving you. I miss you so much." There was so much emotion and passion in her voice: I thought it was real.

Suddenly, she was pulled away from me by an invisible force. For a moment, I couldn't speak or reach out to grab her. She was pulled into the ocean, her body disappearing beneath its ever-moving surface.


I jolted awake, panting and sweating before I'd even opened my eyes. "Just a nightmare... just a dream. Unless..."

There was a knock at my door. "Pan," that was Felix's voice. I hurried to open it. "I've heard news from the other Lost Boys... Pick has feelings for Rizon." My heart boiled in anger but a smirk grew on my face.

"Not to worry, Felix... I have a plan." I was sure the dream had been a metaphor for Rizon leaving Neverland...


Rizon's POV

"Why are you so interested in what I regret, Pan?" I asked, walking over to him. I had knocked Pick's sword out of his hand and was holding both it and my fire sword, pointing them towards the demon boy.

"I had a dream last night. And I'm quite positive it's the truth..." he said with a smirk. I looked at him. I knew he wasn't going to tell me unless I asked - which he expected me to. I couldn't give him the satisfaction. "And I realised your heart doesn't work - here, you can have it back." He pushed it into my chest and I gasped for breath. That's why he'd got Pick's...

"Oh, it works," I began, which was more than I could say for him. "Just not for control." I quickly pushed him against the rock he'd been leaning against and held my fire sword against his neck, and Pick's toward his chest. He glanced behind me but I was too slow to react; Pick had grabbed some Dreamshade vines and was now wrapping them around my neck. Tightly. I could feel the poison flowing through me and the blood spilling from my neck. I dropped to my knees, gasping for breath. The swords fell to the ground with a clang.

I looked up. Pan was laughing, his forest eyes alight with wicked glee. He crushed Pick's heart to dust in front of me, the many particles scattering to the earth. I could hear Pick's cries from behind me fade as I heard his body drop to the ground. I felt hot tears stream down my face. It felt like the world was spinning as I fell unconscious.


I woke up on a comfy pile of leaves and moss, a blanket covering my body. The sky was dark and there was a large orange fire in the centre of a group of dancing boys. I took me a few seconds to remember what had happened: The sword fight, the Dreamshade...

Pick's death.

I tried to move, but a gentle voice spoke. "Don't move, the poison could spread to your heart quicker."

"Pick?" I asked, before turning my head to see a boy in clothes similar to Neal's kneeling beside me. He must have been from the same world as Neal. He appeared confused.

"No; I'm Henry." He held out his hand for me to shake. Hello, nephew.

I couldn't tell him our relation: not yet. "I'm Rizon." I said with a smile.

"You look like a pirate. Is that short for 'horizon', or something?"

"That's right." I tried to sit up.

"Be careful. What happened to you?"

"No one told you?" I asked, leaning against the log next to me and gently feeling my neck. It wasn't much better than it was when Pick strangled me... I couldn't cry now. Not in front of Henry.

"No... Pan just told me to keep an eye on you. He said you'd been poisoned with Dreamshade. And he told me to give you this." He held up a leather bottle and popped the cork. I took it and sniffed it, before pouring a bit onto my hand. Was it water? I drank some of it and immediately I felt the pain from my neck dissipate. "Your neck! It-it's healed!" Bloody hell, he was right. I placed the bottle on the ground and looked into Henry's brown eyes.

"I have a question for you, Henry. Do you trust Pan?"

"I... I don't know. But he saved you - with the water." A memory flashed in my mind:

Remember what we're here for," my father began once more. "Dreamshade for Blackbeard to finally leave us the hell alone! But be careful with it; do not be pricked by its poison or you will be doomed to either die or spend the rest of your miserable days here."

I knew what'd happened to my Uncle Liam: a brave man I'd never met. "I'm stuck here," I muttered, tears stinging my eyes again. This had been Pan's plan; to isolate me and keep me here with him. Using me to make Henry trust him must have been an additional bonus.

"Huh?" Henry asked. I shook my head. "Do you think I should trust Pan?" I looked around, before leaning closer to his face.

"Almost everything he says," I began in a warning tone. "Is a lie."

"Ah, Rizon, I see you've recovered! Henry, I'd like to officially introduce you to my girlfriend, Rizon Jones!" Pan.

"Jones?" Henry exclaimed. "You're related to Killian?"

"That she is."

"I'm not your girlfriend, Pan."

"I just saved your life." I stood and reached for my sword. Gone. "I'm taking care of it," he said quietly. A cocky smile was painted on his face. "Now, Henry, why don't you go and dance around the fire?" Before Henry could move, I waved my hand and the fire extinguished, leaving the vicinity almost pitch black.

"You're coming with me," I grabbed Pan's hand and pulled him into the forest.


"I know you still love me."

"I-..." Don't crumble, don't crumble. "Give me my sword." He put his hand on the back of his belt and pulled it out, before tossing it carelessly toward me. I caught it and clipped it onto mine, before pouncing on him, knocking him to the ground.

"You've always liked to straddle me, haven't you, my little lost girl?" He teased. I felt his bulge beneath my groin. He placed his hands on my thighs and squeezed them gently. I couldn't believe how much of a psycho he was! He had killed my best friend. He had tricked my nephew. He had caged my crush. He had betrayed the promise he made to my father. And all for what? Himself.

In spite of all of this, when I looked into his forest-coloured eyes I still saw the person I fell in love with. The flirtatious boy who liked picking me up by the thighs and kissing my neck. The boy who was too scared of adult responsibilities so kept himself a child. The boy who-
Just pushed me onto my back and was now straddling me...

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