Fire Sword

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The image above is a basis and not what Rizon's fire sword looks like exactly.

"I've got it: the only one that was ever forged and it's ours!" Killian exclaimed, picking Milah up in his arms and spinning her around. She laughed; her face full of the glee of adventure that she'd longed to experience for the many years that she'd spent with Rumplestiltskin. And Killian was here, always making her life interesting. Once he'd placed her back on the deck of the Jolly Roger, he took a long wooden box that Mr Smee was holding carefully before presenting it to Milah. It was inscribed with various sigils and scorched-in markings. She opened the box and her eyes widened as she scrutinised the weapon, before moving her hand to take it out. "Stop!" Killian suddenly snapped.

"What?" She replied, snapping her hand back.

"The first person to touch it after the blacksmith will be linked to it and hold its power for as long as they live."

"And you want that to be you, do you, Killian?" Milah flirted, half amused, half agitated.

"No," he began. "I want it to be our daughter."


Once we arrived at where the beacon had sprouted from, we noticed that it was a tree. "Bloody hell," I muttered.

"Are you any good at climbing, Rizon?"

"This is no match for rigging in the rain," I replied, approaching the tree, before being knocked back by a glowing barrier. "A protection spell." I tutted. That probably woke up the demon...
As if my thoughts had summoned him, I heard the clear, barking voice of Pan:

"What is it that you think you are going to achieve?" His words seemed to resonate from every direction. Pick and I moved so that we were back-to-back, protecting one another and ourselves; he with a stick and me with my fists (my father had taught me how to fight in hand-to-hand combat for if I ever lost my prized fire sword).

Pan came into view, stepping in front of a tree nearby - though not the one with the barrier. He looked surprised when he saw Pick and me. "Why are you not tied to the tree?" He asked.

"I beg your pardon?" Pick and I turned to face him.

"Felix, take Pick back to camp." Pan instructed. The tall boy emerged from behind us and easily picked the boy up. When he cried out and squirmed, Felix hit him on the head with his wooden bludgeon. His body went limp. I was about to move to help, but Felix shook his head at me. "He's not dead - don't worry." Pan stated casually.

I turned to him with a sneer. "You prick." I heard Felix's footsteps quieten as he descended into the forest.

"Is there anything you regret?" Pan asked. What an odd question.

I thought about it for a moment. "Not really..."

"Not even... being my girlfriend?" I regretted not telling my father about it, but I could tell him when he arrived - it wasn't essential. I'd learnt a few things being Pan's girlfriend anyway, and quite a bit about him. I shook my head casually, before asking why. He slowly approached me. "This tree captures anyone who has even a hint of regret." He stated, before sighing.

"And do you?" I asked.

"The tree doesn't work on me."

Of course it doesn't... "You didn't answer my question." I folded my arms. He turned away. "My sword: Fetch." I could've sworn I saw him bite his lip. With a click of his fingers, my fire sword was in my hands. The only problem was, my heart was in his... literally. I swore in my head.


Rizon could barely grasp a silver coin, let alone a fire sword that was much too large for her tiny fingers. "Shouldn't we wait until she's older?" Milah asked as they stood over her. She was asleep between the pillows on their bed - quite comfortably (as the captain's room should be). Her clothes were not the most expensive but were certainly beautiful; a white dress and tiny white socks, along with a piece of white fabric covering her head - which had barely grown hair.

"I don't want to risk someone taking the sword for themselves," Killian replied, carefully sitting on the bed beside his daughter. Milah was holding the box. "All she needs to do is touch it."

Milah knelt by the bed, placing the box next to Killian, who was smiling as his daughter's big bright eyes opened and she started wriggling about, laughing when she recognised her father's face. "Hello, starfish," he cooed, placing his finger gently into her palm and smiling proudly when she clutched onto it. "She'll be a true swashbuckler," he said to Milah. "She's already got the relentless grip of a kraken."

Milah chuckled, stroking her daughter's soft cheek, before picking up the box, edging it closer to her. Killian helped the infant sit up and carefully moved her hand towards the sword's handle. She touched it. A flash of multi-coloured light emerged from the sword and swirled around the girl's body. She giggled as she stared at it; blissfully oblivious. Killian and Milah smiled at one another.

"Can I hold it now?" Milah asked.

"I assume so." Her husband replied, sitting little Rizon on his lap. She reached into the box and pulled out the sword, observing its intricacy. "There's a note," Killian stated, reaching into the box as he bounced his daughter on his knee. He read it aloud:

 He read it aloud:

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Fire-Wielder (Peter Pan X Female!Reader X Wendy) OUATWhere stories live. Discover now