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—-Author's note — this story is inspired by a lot of other soulmate stories so the plot might be similar but my content is original, just a reminder

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Author's note — this story is inspired by a lot of other soulmate stories so the plot might be similar but my content is original, just a reminder.


In this world people were to be fated together as opposites. For example, if you were to have a symbol representing salt, then you'd have to search for a soulmate who had the pepper symbol. You earn your symbol at age 16, that's when it first appears.

Your soulmate could be a few months younger than you or a few months older but your soulmate will always be the same age as you so you aren't confused.

But what this monstrous fate had created was that if you hadn't find your soulmate by the age of 20 you'd weaken to the point of death, because love is the power source...it stabilizes your health and well being.


Sowon found this universal system pathetic & useless. She thought it was pointless of having a soulmate.

The day Sowon got her symbol, it left everybody stunned. It was very rare to inherit such a symbol, she was an inheritor of fire, not just any fire but enchanted fire. It was the rarest of the rare only 20 people in the world had this enchanted power.

Sowon stared deeply at the imprint of her wrist, the blazing fire with glitter surrounding it representing its enchantment. Sowon was 18 years old and still hadn't found a soulmate but it didn't distress her.

She would accept the fate of death in her hands if she can't find her soulmate. Sowon tilted her head to the side pondering about if her soulmate was a good person or a bad person but her thoughts were interrupted by her friend calling her.

"Earth to Sowon." Jiyun waved her hand through her face to get her attention. "Mhm? Sorry Jiyun I've been thinking a lot lately."

"It's about your soulmate right? You're going to find them, don't worry."

"It's probably no use how will I find my soulmate in 2 years they could be anywhere in the world, I'll just accept the fate of death."

"Don't say that, I don't want to lose you that soon. Be optimistic and maybe our soulmate is in Korea I 100% bet it."

"We'll see."

Jiyun was a sun inheritor, she had to search for the moon. She inheritor a very rare symbol as well and is one of the enchanted ones, this is why she and Sowon got along very well. They understand each other. 

"Don't worry Sowon I still haven't found my soulmate yet, I still need to find my moon!"She sheepishly scratched the back of her nape. "Well this is going to be hard isn't it?"

"Why would it be hard for you?" I raised a brow. Jiyun chuckled, "because I'm shy heh."

"Is she worrying about her soulmate again? I know that expression on her face." Another deep voice entered the halls. Ni-ki, Jiyun's twin.

Jiyun nodded sighing at her brother, "Don't worry Wonwon you'll find them." Ni-ki patted my shoulder.

Ni-ki, let's talk about him for a moment. Ni-ki took the power of the earth one of the most strongest signs as well. It practically is the strongest sign so far other than the Sun which is his own twin sister.

Ni-ki needed to find the element of air to be completed. I know it's mentioned that you need to find your opposite but it's also possible to be fated to something similar to your symbol.

"Come on we're going to be late for class, and I'll tel you our home room teacher won't be happy with us appearing late." Ni-ki shivered at the thought of our home room teacher, they all say she's a curse to the school and her students.

Better watch out.


Author's note —-

This is just the beginning the main characters have not met yet, but will have an encounter in the next chapter. Thank you for reading chapter 1.

- Flickerhoon <3


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