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His hand slowly intertwining with mine, and I saw him close his eyes. And I felt the feeling of my heart,
As if it was melting, but in a good way. That way where you feel like there was butterflies fluttering around.

what was he doing? "hoon..."

"shhh." he hushed, it's as if my anxiety and my thoughts were taken away by the second. As I opened my eyes, I stared at him, crestfallen.

"how'd you do that." I questioned, in disbelief. I mean I knew he knew a lot about soulmates but I didn't know, that he could make so many things happen.

"I didn't know, honestly. I just felt that when ever I touch your hand, and give off a serene feeling. Somehow, you get that feeling too."

"thanks, and look. I know, that I'm probably hurting you from turning back so much but just know that it's hard for me too, it was so unexpected. So unexpected, and I didn't know I'd find a soulmate so quickly, I didn't know how difficult it would be to get along with one."

he gave me that faint smile, with eyes showing me that he understood. "you don't have to tell me, I already know Hmm?"

I was caught up, frozen. But slowly nodded my head, "yea, so night."I mumbled before turning around, my blanket over me and equally leaving some for him too.


both of us were downstairs, staring each other awkwardly. Chaeyeon observed us, the usual stare she gave us soulmates every moment, which brought more tension than it usually did.

this time, she grinned. "Why are you making that face, chae." sunghoon lifted a brow, questioning his older sister's actions.

"oh nothing, mind your own business." she snapped at the younger one, snickering a bit afterwards. Chaeyeon was laughing because she had the power of not only ice, but mending things.

she was trying to bring the two closer to each other last night, she knew how each one of them felt but didn't want to mention it. She knew how lost Sowon felt and she knew how beaten up sunghoon felt for not making her feel comfortable.

she thought, maybe she could try to help. To clear the way.

"Have fun at school." she waved, the door shutting in her face after we said goodbye. I faced sunghoon, he ran his hand through his hair, it was a daily thing for him, and he had to do it every second.

"are you checking me out?" sunghoon teased, with a smug look written over his face.

"me? checking out somebody like you? get over yourself." I folded my arms, walking faster and ahead of him.

he caught up, and snaked his arm around my waist pulling me in closer. "chill."

"what do you mean chill? Im already chill." my head tilts.

"I thought I'd be able to crack your hard shell by now, you know I'm actually trying to get along with you." he smirked, that doesn't seem that genuine though.

"and you know... I actually don't care." I faced him, snapping up. "ouch that hurts." he feigned to be hurt, having his hand over his chest.

his finger pressed under my chin, stridently lifting it up. "you're cute when you're mad so." he pecked my lips, before running away.

My heart JOLTED, "how dare he." I covered my mouth, my cheeks rose petals red.

"damn it park." I muttered under my breath.


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