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"Mom..." I called her anxiously, hesitant to tell her about my encounter with my mysterious soulmate and what happened with my wrist earlier today.

"Is there anything you need dear?" My mother warmly smiled, examining my nervous face. My mom folded her arms, sensing the uncomfortable energy around her. "There is something you need to spill don't you?"

"Mom...my symbol appeared today for first time after I got it on my birthday." I blurted out quickly, my mother held my wrist...scanning the beautifully marked fire symbol engraved on my arm.

"Finally..." she let out a relieved sigh, knowing that her daughter might not have to face death. "Honey...come take a look at this." My mom called dad over, but I don't think he was paying attention.

"Her symbol came in...finally." My mom smiled at dad, dad jumped from his seat. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Are you serious?!" My father grabbed my arm to stare at my mark.

"How?! Where?! When?!" My father spammed me with billions of questions. My mother smacked my father and sat him back down on the couch.

"Dad I didn't find him yet, it was too crowded to tell. I didn't even notice my symbol until Jiyun pointed it out, I was too late." I put my head down in disappointment.

Honestly...I'd rather choose death I don't care if my soulmate dies from my stubbornness. "I know what you're thinking about young lady, think about the other life you'll kill if you don't search for them!" Mom crossed her arms, staring at me sternly.

I clenched my fists and deeply took in air before speaking to my mom again. "At least answer this question. How in the world will I find my soulmate." I slammed my clenched fights on the couch frustratedly.

The world hasn't been very nice today, first I bumped into the one and only park Sunghoon which didn't end civilly. Then I found my soulmate and I don't even know who it is!

"When two soulmates find each other it's through their wrists glowing from skin contact. Your father and I were fated as light and darkness. He was darkness and I was light, I was the light to your father's darkness."

I scoffed, "And it took you until 19. This is going to take forever, I'd rather choose death." I begged my mother taking her hands above mine, convincing her to let her only daughter die.

"Don't be silly why would I let my only daughter die?" My mother caressed my soft hair and just chuckled. She knows that her daughter will meet her soulmate soon, she won't have to worry. Fate will do greatness to her daughter.


Sowon woke up to the bright light of the sun shining straight into her orbs. "God jiyun I hope when you get your powers you can keep the sun out of my room's direction." I groaned sleepily, picking myself up from bed.

I dressed myself into my school uniform then head down the stairs. "Mom I'll be leaving now."

"Take care!"

I closed the door and began to walk through the sidewalk. The crisp air hit my skin delicately, the warm atmosphere was so serene.


Sowon entered the building to be immediately greeted by Ni-ki and Jiyun shouting through the middle of the halls. "SOWON!!!"

They both rushed to my side, "Did you-"

"Shut up idiot I'll be the one asking, did you find your soulmate yet?!" Jiyun desperately asked but I shook my head. "No and I don't really care anymore." I tiredly replied back.

I had no interest in finding my soulmate, May death come my way soon.


Jay looked over to my wrist, I stared into his orbs deeply "why do you keep staring at my arm?" I asked in irritation. My cousin was a very nosy one, he's always curious about everything.

"I'm trying to figure out who your soulmate is, isn't it obvious or are you oblivious?" 

Everyone in our group has found their symbol, Sunoo is lightening and is fated with Rain. Jake is darkness and needs to fight his light. Heeseung is rock so he needs to find his lava. Jungwon is the moon and he's fated with the sun. Jay is water and is fated with nature and plants.

At this point I was desperate to find out who my soulmate is. I was never interested in anything, not even in soulmates until this mark showed up for the first time after my 16th birthday. It drove me insane to find out who my opposite was, I was in Desparation...


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