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I walked past the pavement nearly the school's entrance, today I wanted to make an early appearance. Once I entered the building I spotted so many students going from classes to classes just to communicate with their friends.

It was so crowded that I couldn't see where my classroom was, I quickened my pace only for my body to be crashed by someone else's rock hard body.

"Watch where you're going..." My eyes turned ablaze towards the figure I bumped into.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going because I clearly took my path before you bumped into me." They snapped back in the same manner, resulting me into being vexed.

"Then if you knew I was coming you should've moved out of my way."

"I didn't see where you were going because it was crowded how should I know?"

"Park Sunghoon can you just shut your god damn mouth for once and just walk away why are you still arguing." I spat in annoyance.

"Yang Sowon I wouldn't have argued if you haven't continued to speak to me, you could've just walked away. No one is stopping you." He derisively responded back along with a low chuckle.

I took one last glance at the cold male, "you're unbelievable." I replied distastefully towards the male who leaned his back against the locker waiting for me to move along. I stared at him sharply once more before taking my leave into class.

They two only had a few encounters last year but it was never nice meetings when it came to them. Each time they met, they would quarrel. They can't STAND each other. The two did not personally know each other, only each other's names.

"This is the first time I made an encounter with him this school year and he decides to be argumentive." She ruffled her head in frustration due to her meeting with THE park Sunghoon, the school's one and only ace.

"Holy shit Sowon!!" Jiyun's voice hitched, I felt her arm on mine squeezing it and slightly shaking it. Jiyun raised my arm up exposing the illuminating symbol on my wrist.

My devoid expression turned into a incredulous one, my eyes widened, my mouth slightly opened. "You're symbol is appearing!!" Jiyun jumped of joy.

I shook my head, "there were too many students I bumped into and I didn't even notice my mark until now I don't know who it is." I sighed looking at Jiyun who's lips formed into a pout.

"I'm praying you find that lucky guy!"

My soulmate was near...

—- POV

Sunghoon stepped into the noisy classroom that was only acquainted by no one except his 6 other friends. Sunghoon anticipated the reason the classroom was so loud.

He ran his hand throughly into his soft hair, pondering about how a girl could have such boldness to speak to him in that way. He has never met a girl like her in his life, everyone was so nice to him and all of the girls are over him because he's the "Ace"

The room grew tranquil all 6 boys darted their looks at Sunghoon in shock. "What's wrong with you all? Why are you staring at me like that?" Sunghoon lifted up a brow in confusion.

"S-Sunghoon your w-wrist is g-glowing..." Jungwon stuttered, pointing at coruscating lights shining through his wrists. His wrists that were leisurely revealing a ice symbol through his smooth milky skin.

Sunghoon's face quickly formed into a puzzled one, his eyes widened from the sight of his wrists illuminating bright. "Sunghoon's soulmate is lava symbolized right?" Heeseung covered his mouth.

"Lava?" Sunghoon knitted his brows together,

"Lava should go with ice since fire is with water right?" Heeseung questioned him.

"But I'm a water sign, if I were to be fated with a water symbol wouldn't that mean I make fire vanish with my water? I'm pretty sure I am fated to nature, plants." Responded Jay, Another powerful element inheritor.

"Water and plants?? Isn't it water and Earth?" Jungwon wiggled his eyebrows in question. Ni-ki shook his head in disagreement, "Definitely not. My grandmother is an air sign and she said that air is fated with Earth."

"Jay is right, he's fated with plants and nature because his water helps life grow." Ni-ki elaborated to the boys.

"Then what element does fire belong with?"

"far as I know, it can't be as an fated with an element since it could burn the element completely. Fire can go with air, but that barely happens and is rare. Enchanted fire, but there's only 20 people with it. It's impossible for one of them to have it at this school."

The boys were all on the quest to search for their soulmates, will they succeed or fail?


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