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morning struck, when I first opened my eyes bright and early. the door was opened, no one was in the room but me.

wow...I actually gone through the night with Sunghoon...and peacefully. I picked myself up from the cold floor, & brushed my teeth before walking down the stairs into the kitchen where the rest were cooking all together.

"morning." I groggily greeted all 8 of them, "morning wonwon, how was your night with hoon?" Jiyun teasingly asked with a grin forming on the curve of her mouth.

Sunghoon shot his usual deathly eyes at me, "oh he was such a gentleman, he made me sleep on the floor with barely any blanket. Such manly behavior." I derisively stated.

I could see his ears slowly turned red out of humiliation, good to know that you're aware of you're shamelessness.

"Did you have a wonderful night? Kiss kiss?" heeseung wiggled his eyebrows, and I really was confused as to why he would think something so...you know. For Sunghoon and I to be expressing love to each other with kisses when we HATE each other.

"What! Why would I do anything with that nothing of a crazy fool?" my voice went into a squeaky tone.

"Why were there so many thuds and noises though." Heeseung waited for a response back, his brow raising up. The other boys shook their head because of their hyung's misunderstanding.

The thuds came from when I pushed sunghoon to the wall. And he flipped me over, what is this man thinking?!

"they were fighting." niki tapped his shoulder, whispering into heeseung. Heeseung's looked back at me, my head tilted while I gave him a look.

He sheepishly laughed it off, "never mind, I'm just, I was just thinking, it's not what you think, I didn't mean to-" he blurted out so many words in embarrassment.

it was a bit funny, not going to lie but I kept a straight face. Internally I was in tears from wanting to laugh so hard.

And when I looked over to Sunghoon, he looked as if he wanted to die. He put his head down, shaking his head a bit in disappointment of what goes on in Heeseung's mind.

I sat next to Sunghoon, my wrist right next to his and that's when the spark of light hit our eyes. It was glowing again, the third touch.

Sunghoon & I looked down at our wrists nervously, gulping at what the action might be happening for. "the glowing, after this. You'll have to start getting along, it's the only way you'll stay alive. Please don't do anything reckless...please." jake begged his best friend with desperation, knowing what his attempts are. But it's going to fail. Either way.

each one who tried to attempt of anything, will suffer great lengths.

I felt my heart breaking a bit, it was breaking because I had to share it with one that I don't favor...for the rest of my life.

A guy who will probably not give me any of the love I want, or even anything I look for. When he's that much of a trash guy, what else can I expect from someone like him?

i wish this soulmates effect wasn't a thing, maybe I had a way better match. But maybe that match was made for someone way better than me...but I can't back out anyways.

It's too late.


the universe doesn't make any mistakes or have any better options for you Sowon, they ALWAYS knew who was the right one for you.

Don't doubt it. — flickerhoon.

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