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"give me some heat? oh yeah? how about I cool you off." he hovered over me, using the ice on his hands to freeze up my waist.

now I was the one jolting up, and he only grinned. "good morning, sowon." he whispered into the shell of my ears.

the door opened, and we both looked at it's direction. sejun.

"I see you guys are...having some nice quality time." he cleared his throat to ease the awkwardness, "it's not like that!" I groaned, shoving sunghoon off of me.

"wait till you see what you're best friend did." my little brother grinned, and now I was intrigued. "What trouble did she get into now??" I raised a brow, rubbing my eyes that were half blurry.

"you'll just have to wait and see, so get ready!"


Right as I came upon what jiyun did, my jaw dropped. "You did not."

she giggled, "SURPRISE, I FINALLY DID IT!!" she opens up her arm to gesture the bakery that she always talking about owning.

it was nice in bright colors on the inside, soft music played, deserts were displayed. It was all so beautiful, she really pulled it off.

"I knew you could do it." I gave her a warm smile, and she returned one. "Oh we spend a lot of money for this one." niki whispered, resulting me to chuckle.

"how was your night with sunghoon, I heard your mom made you two share a bed."

both our ears turned crimson red, bringing the scene from last night. "Oh um... nothing much we just * clears throat * we were tired and fell asleep quickly."

"yea." he awkwardly plays along.

as we both took a seat, jiyun served us some sweet treats. "Do you want to work? We can share the company 50/50 since we both planned it together, I mean you were looking for a job weren't you?" jiyun takes a seat next to us, waiting for a response.

"yea I was looking for one, and I'd love to to share e bakery together. We've been talking about it ever since we were kids, why wouldn't I want to?" my smile was wide, and bright. Brighter and wider than it has been in years, and I don't smile that hard that easily.

sunghoon examined how joyful I was, and his lips curved a bit. Barely noticeable.

"great!! I'm going to give you all of the stuff, I created cute little aprons!! I can't wait!" she squealed.


I sat down with Sunghoon on the floor, peeking into the box jiyun had given me. When I opened it, the first thing was a cute pastel pink colored apron. Even with my name print with a drink on it, it was the cutest thing ever.

it even had a worker manual, "wah, she really thought this all out." I chuckled.

"typical jiyun." both sunghoon & I said in unison, and it was coincidentally. we both shot our eyes towards each other, and snickered a bit.

"Soulmates do think alike don't they?" I playfully rolled my eyes. "I guess the idiot turned out to be right."

"how do you know you're not the one thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I have a feeling, that I'm always right." I responded cockily.



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