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my face hardened, "what the hell do you think you're doing."

"you kept on whining about how hot is was, so I'm using my powers to cool you." he shrugged, "yea I was asleep and feeling hot but now I'm totally feeling extra cold." I shivered, pulling the blanket away from him.

"you know, sharing is generous." he pulled it back, "you asshole, you're the one who used your powers, now give it back." I pulled back.

"what is going on??" Chaeyeon opens the door, completely bewildered. "HE STARTED IT, SHE STARTED IT." both of us pointed to each other, yelling.

"as beginners being mad at each other is not a good cause, it delays your symbols from being fully adjusted."

and of course, Chaeyeon was lying only to keep the soulmates in peace.

both sighed and equally shared the blanket, "now night, sleep well." she whispered, closing the door.

sunghoon and I stared at each other, "what are you looking at hoe?"

"what are you looking at asshole?" I scoffed a bit, "oh yeah? you wanna go that way?" he clicks his tongue, nearly hovering over me.

I rolled my eyes, my head leaning back into my pillow. As I turned to face the wall, he just admired my jaw and smirked. "you started it." I pushed him off me, now I hovered over him.

my arms slashing against his and the symbols blinded our eyes a bit, I sat up and so did he. that feeling of pain began again, but I don't understand? Chaeyeon said we had to be close.

but Chaeyeon is the one controlling you two.

Sunghoon grasped on for his chest, and winced at the stabbing pain. "shit, so. It's getting worse."

"no it's totally getting better." I sardonically replied, eyeing him sharply. As I held on for my aching chest.

"you don't mind do you" he cupped my jaw, "like you've never done it before, jerk." I laid my eyes on him, my tongue sliding across my cheeks, hoping for the pain to just wither away.

his lips are gently placed on mine, and his arms wrapped around my waist, already attempting to pull me in closer. And the moments those strings get hot and loose, we'll be back to normal.

my arms snaking around his neck, it's a weird feeling. All of a sudden you curse the man, and the next you have him kissing you, and it feels comforting.

I don't get it. I don't get this soulmates thing. I don't like the fact that my heart is getting warmed up, what will I do to prevent that?
I'm fated with him and I can't let go of it, the urge to let my feelings lose. And unable to take them back if things go wrong.

I'm afraid of giving in, I'm afraid I'm going to get to attached, and I'm afraid I'll get hurt.

With those thoughts corrupting me, I push him back and gulp. Curling up into a ball, "so.." he called my name, knowing exactly what was going on in my mind.

how could I forget? Soulmates could read your mind just a bit, great just great, they could feel the pain but they can take it away too.

my hands shaking up from the fear, it consumes me, even though I want to be loved, the thoughts make it so hard for it to happen.

"sunghoon, help me."  a tear slips down my face, the feeling of brokenness in both of our hearts.


this chapter was, kind of like a message I know a lot of us might have that feeling. I've never experienced it but I experienced getting attached and making it hard to get out, so I wanted to show how it wasn't easy to just give into your feelings.

take your time, you know when it's right to make the decision. - flickerhoon

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