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when the sun's light hit my eyes, I lost my sleep. Fluttering my eyes open to rid the blurriness. As I turned to my side, he wasn't there.

I could hear sound coming from the kitchen,'I got up. Went to the bathroom, got ready and went downstairs.

chaeyeon was cooking, sunghoon was sitting on a chair, sipping on orange juice. Chaeyeon turned around to face me, so did he.

as chaeyeon looked at sunghoon and back to me, I could see his lips tugging to the side, he ran his hand through his hair and just laughed a bit.

"morning so, I'm making waffles...but I don't think the dough is right. Sunghoon do me a favor and taste test it."

sunghoon took a bite out of the waffle, slowly turning back to Sowon with a forced smile. "it's... so good."


she came by him and bit out of it as well, she started coughing a bit. "jerk. You could've just said it's bad, you had my hopes up for nothing." she pulled on his ear, causing him to hiss.

"there's no fun in that is there?" he looked down, licking his lips.

he trailed his eyes up, his head still down. He brings his index finger up and signals to come him. "what." I question dumbfounded.

"I just want to spend a peaceful day with my soulmate." he shrugged, I leaned against the wall and folded my arms. "uh huh." I nodded a tad bit.

I felt a minty feeling to my chest, it wasn't as bad as it was these days. I stared at sunghoon & tilted my head. "Chaeyeon, what does it mean if your heart feels like chilly but it's not frozen."

chaeyeon stared at the both of us, "what is means is, as you two are new soulmates it takes time for you guys and your symbols to get adjusted to each other. You're going to have to be near each other a lot for the next months or so. Until that feeling goes away, that's when you know you both are fully adjusted to each other." she gave a stern look.

"MONTHS?!" we both yelled in unison, chaeyeon nodded. "yea? Is there a problem, I mean you guys are soulmates? You have to." she lifted a brow. The both of us sighed.

"also you guys are already being mature and sharing a bed, what's wrong about being with each other for a couple of more months. You're fated together for life anyways." she snickered a bit, she was right, there was no way to get out.

sunghoon stood up, slashing our wrists together to make them connect. both shone over us so luminously, "it's glowing so much, like more than it should. It's not even ready to be adjusted." she examined our wrists.

"mhm, well. Thanks for trying to make something, we have to get to school. I'll just get us breakfast somewhere outside." Sunghoon hooked his arm with mine. Closing the door shut as we exited the house.

"you could've waited a bit more, I wanted to cook." I smacked his arm, "you didn't tell me that." he faced me.

I rolled my eyes, walking ahead. "I didn't tell you cause you pulled me out of the house, moron!"

"I'm a moron now? Bold, of you to say when you hurled your lips at me last night."

you're done for park.



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