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now everyone was invested in what I had to say, "what do you mean?" mom tilted her head.

I gave her that look, I took sunghoon's wrist and connected it with mine. It began to glow, mom's jaw dropped, sejun had a crestfallen look on his face.

"no fucking way." the word slipped out of sejun's mouth, mom slapped his mouth tight with her hand to keep him from talking. Having him in a headlock, her hand still covering his mouth.

"you've finally found him." she let out a happy chuckle, as if she was relieved...so...so...so


"A handsome one too, a very handsome young man." mom pinched sunghoon's cheeks, sunghoon jerked up and bowed to her multiple times as well to sejun.

"don't bow, you'll be my son in law soon." she cupped sunghoon's cheek with one hand, laughing mischievously.

"who's going to be your son in law?" I heard my dad walk in, all attention went to him.

My dad caught a glimpse of the shining lights below him, and he stumbled back as if it's the most unbelievable thing he's witnessed in his life.

"is it him?!" He fell into his chair, trying to hold his chest from the shock, I don't know what's so shocking about it. sunghoon proceeded to bow continuous times but I stopped him, "stop it, you're making it so much more awkward." I whispered.

I nodded at the question, "we didn't think you'd find a soulmate so quickly because of you're element, then what element is he?"

sunghoon extended his arm, his veins popping out crystal white...his veins were freezing up...was that the start to his power?

"frozen ice, an in enchanted ice. That's why they were put together..." my parents examined.

"take good care of our daughter son, if not...I'll show you what this darkness can do." My dad showed sunghoon the ball of dark shadows he had in his hand and sunghoon gulped from the nervousness.

"don't make him anxious, ... what is your name dear?" mom tilted her head.

"Sunghoon...Park Sunghoon. Aunty." he cleared his throat, "don't call me aunty, call me mom? hmm?" she patted his shoulder, and he nodded in approval.

"then...when is big sis going to meet his parents... or did she already?" sejun questioned, "I didn't meet them yet."

"when will you?" - parents.

"I'll take her to them soon, the news of us came recently." sunghoon assured, intertwining his hands with mine in anxiousness to take away the stress of my father's sharp hawk eyes on his.

I felt the shaking in his arms, and now I only realized how fearful he was. I looked back at dad and gave him a look in disbelief, "dad are you serious?"

"what." dad growled, I brought up our intertwined hands to show him how hard sunghoon's hands were shaking.

My mom smacked his eye, "don't you dare give him those eyes."

"fine..." he gave into my mom, emitting a calm look after she told him to not be so hotheaded.

"how did you guys find each other?" sejun shot up a brow.

"from school, he was at school. He has connections with Jiyun and Ni-ki too, that's how I found him quickly."

"I see."

"good luck, my anti romantic sis. Especially good luck to you, big bro." sejun snickered, and my cheeks were red...and not from humiliation this time. It's red from the anger I keeping in from attacking my brother.

"you little SHI-" I was about to hurl myself on him but got held back by my parents. Sejun hid behind Sunghoon like a little kid, holding onto his arm for his dear life.

"hyung!!! Your wife is trying to kill me already." sejun put out his tongue.

"sejun you bitch!"


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