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Another week passed, sunghoon & I just fought over and over again. The bickering never ended, now sunghoon's parents made us stay over with them to help us get along...not that it was working. For your information.

"get off of me!" I pushed him off, even though both of us needed the physical touch. Even though my heart was craving for it, squeezing together for the touch of him, I AM NOT giving in... especially not to Sunghoon.

"listen up, this is for us both! I feel like im dying what's you're problem!" he gripped into my hair, pulling me back to him.

Causing my back to hit his chest stridently, "what's wrong with me?! Im not going to kiss you again, not like that!"

"we're soulmates! You'll have to kiss me for the rest of your life anyways! fuck." he hissed, holding onto his chest.

"are you still fucking afraid, So?" he pushed me against the wall, "is that what's hitting your mind? that I'm still going to treat you like a jerk? Why do you think of me like that." his tone was grim, dangerously laced with seriousness.

yes, yes I was afraid. And I couldn't help but be afraid to love, in the process of love. People always get hurt, and I've seen it. I don't want to take my self in that position, even if it's the rule.

"so what? So what if I'm scared? Do you want me to go around crying to you, showing you my weakness? I'm scared to have a soulmate and you are a jerk." I lost it, yelling at him harshly. My chest heaving up and down from how loud my voice was.

he hysterically laughed, a ball forming his mouth as he ruffled the bangs that were always resting on the front of his face.

"what the hell is going on?" a woman's voice was heard, sunghoon's older sister. Chaeyeon .

"chae." sunghoon's tone went soft, chaeyeon gave him a fierce look. "don't stare at me like that, do you have the right to yell at her? If she's afraid, are you supposed to get mad at her for it? No but instead you act like a fool." she pulled on his ear, my eyes widened.

sunghoon groaned trying to take her hand off his ear but she wouldn't budge. "just because you get to act like an asshole in school with other people doesn't mean you can act like one with your soulmate." she gritted her teeth.

CHAEYEON : she was way...WAY older than Sunghoon at least by 10 years. She's a ceo and her element is darkness just like my father, and no one ever looks down on her. Not even sunghoon, surprising right?

"so you want me to suffer chest pain!" he exaggerated, she only snickered as if it was a joke then stared back at him with her eyes ablaze.

"And you're going to force a girl into love? Are you out of your mind?!" She pulled on ears harder.

"argh!! Have mercy on me sister!" he cried for help but she wasn't merciful at all. I stood there and grinned watching the wonderful sibling bond.

"Didnt you say? Oh I hate Yang Sowon, she's the worst, I can't believe she's my soulmate. Now you want to kiss her?" she questioned, sunghoon's ears instantly went red.

"I do hate her, who would like her?" he rolled his eyes after taking a glance over at me.

"You would like you first of all? No one, that's why I was unluckily fated with you."

"you'll regret saying that!"

"As if! Cocky jerk!"


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