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I was in bed, still at Jiyun' s house with the rest. Thinking about how I can't change my soulmate, and as much as I want to avoid him. I can't.

why did I get fated to someone who probably wont even care to look in my way, or help me out for anything.

I curved up into a ball, sniffling. I've been like that for copious amount of minutes, 30 minutes. I've been crying for 30 minutes.

I can't comprehend why I was crying, maybe I was crying being I was afraid of being loved? Being in love? Or maybe I was crying because I regret going downstairs that night. Could be both.

after those long 30 minutes, I got up quietly. Silently going downstairs for a glass for cold water, jiyun must've left the window open. The air was crisp and chilly, nipping at my skin the moment I took my first step.

my face was all splotchy and red from the crying, I had dried up tears among my cheeks, and water was stuck like little droplets on my lower lashes.

I turned on the light, and there he was. His gaze shifted directly to me, I could see his eyes widen a bit but it went back to normal in seconds. He took off his gaze, and cleared his throat.

"we're you crying?" he questioned, his voice was still raspy even after attempting to fix it by clearing up throat. The tone was, as if he was worried but still unable to say anything else other than what concerned him.

seeing Yang Sowon cry, what a joke right? Seeing her have a weak side? Seeing her face all scarlet from the nonstop tears. Doesn't that make you happy?

with a uptight, but tiring demeanor. I snapped, "I did cry, so what?" my voice grew brittle and harsh. Enough for him to look back at me with that uneasy look.

he trailed his eyes down at my wrist, he took a few steps forward which caused me to back up because as of right now I did not want him close to me, I didn't want anyone close to me.

But as closer as he got, and as farther as I went. I finally hit an end where I could no longer back away, Sunghoon had me trapped.

and he pierced his eyes into mine, showing assurance. For the first time, I didn't see cocky sunghoon, he was giving me a consoling look. As if he was about to do something to help me and it only intrigued me, to figure out what he was going to do.

now we both were staring at our glowing wrists, sunghoon slashed his hand against mine...intertwining it. And I felt the strings in my heart warm up, is this what happens to the strings?

If you're close you warm up to it, if you're far from each other's touch and love. It freezes.

those feelings of sorrow I had, stridently...disappeared?

the crestfallen look on my face only amused him, "what? You didn't know soulmates could do that?"

"they..." I was about to start but lost track of my words and he nodded.

"that's right, soulmates can take away their partner's sadness."


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