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"Stridently flipped."


Sunghoon was on-top of me, and i panicked. someone could come in any moment! "sunghoon..." I whispered, completely alarmed with his actions and he squeezed his eyes as if he was about to do something he was going to


"forgive me for what I'm about to do." I felt his breath against my lips, seconds later he slammed his lips onto mine boldly. His hands were sliding up from my jaw to my hair, slighting bringing it into a grip. He was gripping onto my hair.

my heart jumped with dread, but I felt the strings warming up. My chest heaving up and down normally again after what just occurred a few minutes ago, and for some reason... my burning heart desired for more?

my arms snaked around his neck, pulling him in closer...I felt the churning movement in my stomach and the light attacks my heart was giving me... I was giving into the crave? I was giving into... park sunghoon.


I pushed sunghoon from the kiss as I went into realization of what I was doing, flustering up in agitation. why did I do that?!

as he realized too, he got up and sat on the bed. We were surrounded by darkness, the only light that accompanied us were our own coruscating wrists.

I heard a raspy chuckle from infront, I pierced my eyes into sunghoon who looked back at me. "don't you hate me?"

"do I have a choice? I mean I do, but I'll go with the one...many wouldn't choose." I stated, averting my eyes from his.

"you see what our strings did?" he leaned his head against the wall near my bed. "this is what's going to happen every time. If we don't get used to...this." he let out an exhausted sigh.

both sunghoon and Sowon can't admit the fact that they need each other, crave each other's touch, desire each other's love as soulmates because of their hatred for each other... but if they don't get it together. Those strings will do much more than just freeze up.

we both were exhausted, but mostly exasperated with the soulmates thing. It was physically and mentally draining.

"sowon-ah." he called out, and I tiredly responded back "what do you want hoon." I tilted my head, sitting closer to him.

"why were you crying...that day.

sunghoon kind of already sensed why but he wanted to come out of sowon's mouth, "why would you ask me that?" I spat in anxiousness.

what am I supposed to tell him, that I know I won't receive love from a person like him...I got someone who I hated and would fight with?

"I-" before I got to explain anything. I was already cut off by him.

"you know...sowon. Soulmates can already kind of tell what their partner is feeling, but they can also kind of get what their partner is thinking of too."


didn't want to leave you guys on a cliffhanger :)

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