epilouge ! <3

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Sowon and Sunghoon, the two hated each other more than anything for no reason, well Sowon hated him because he was a jerk to everyone in school, Sunghoon hated her because he thought she had a fake reputation, which he was wrong about because that's how she was really like.

sowon crashed into sunghoon the first day of school. It did not go well and Jiyun told her that her symbol was showing, it was crowded so Sowon never found out who her soulmate was.

that following week Jiyun called a sleepover with the boys and sowon, that night Sowon joined but she couldn't sleep. Late at night she was going down the stairs and into the kitchen while it was dark, she went to touch the light switch but was surprised with another person's hand.

she got scared and lost it, both of them fell to the ground. Her hand slipped on the light switch so it finally turned on, and the person she expected the least was on top of her.

and as they both get up from pain, they get distracted by a light, they look down at their wrists, and figure out something horrible

They were soulmates.

moving onto sunghoon's sister, Chaeyeon. She knew that the two wouldn't get a long so she lied to them, saying that they needed to be with each other for months to let their symbols adjust which wasn't true but they didn't know, so they believed it. 

but over the months, as they couldn't let hatred get in their way and was burdened by always needing to have contact with each other, the hatred faded and slowly their was love.

"sowon's fear of being loved or hurt was gone, she finally was ready to be with sunghoon, and sunghoon who waited for her, was ready to love her . A true story of enemies to lovers don't you think?"

"and that's how I met your mother." Sunghoon grinned at the 15 year old as he used a famous term, that parents say to their kid while telling their love story.

"that's the stupidest story I've ever heard." her arms folded, along with a little snicker. the girl was an exact copy of sunghoon, sometimes rock hard but sometimes playful.

sowon smiled, sitting next to her daughter. "you'll be in for a surprise next year." she brought up which made her daughter bewildered.

"what do you mean by that? mom."

sowon looked back at sunghoon, and shot a wink. she would be in for a big, surprise next year. her 16TH birthday.

—— sunghoon

as our daughter left the living room, I took my seat next to sowon and pulled her into me. "I never can get tired of having you in my arms."

"15 years and I can still never a get a break from you too." sejun ambled through the living room, grimacing in disgust. as if he doesn't do that to his soulmate.

"tell me about it." chaeyeon snickered as she walked past the room, shaking her head but under that head shake was a smile, because she never saw her brother so passionate in her life before meeting sowon. she was happy that he saw the qualities of love.

both of us laughed. "so many years have passed, can you believe that? it honestly doesn't feel real."

"it felt like just yesterday when we discovered we were fated together." he chuckled, brushing his thumb over my cheek. I slowly snake my arms around his neck, pressing my lips gently against his.

pulling away, he leaves a kiss on my cheek and curves his lips up. "I'm glad we were fated together, because I could never imagine it with somebody else."

"I love you so."

"I love you too, hoon."


thank you all for reading this book, we came a long way with it. and thank you to all that was reading this since the beginning, it gave me motivation everyday to publish chapters.

my next book that will probably be out in a few ours is called, "cologne" Lee heeseung. and if you want to look at the preview it's in my public message board.

thank you once again - Flickerhoon

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