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I spotted the girl walking to school, trying to catch up to jungwon, but I used my powers to keep her away, and as she was a bit stuck in place she looked around and caught me, my eyes fully focused on hers... and I grinned.

and I made my way up to her, lifted her chin up and chuckled. This caught the attention of jungwon who was in front and jiyun, sunghoon and sowon in the back.

"chaeyeon what are you doing to her?" Jungwon worriedly came up to me, so did the rest while the other girl just stood trying to get out of my powers strong grasp.

I pulled the spell out from my pockets, and let the drop fall onto her skin, just as it did, her symbol dissolved, it was slowly erasing away and Jungwon's jaw dropped.

the others stared at me in shock and I scoffed, in disbelief. I'm pretty they taught I was stupidly going to sit this problem out, they were wrong.

she yelped as her "symbol" faded away and nothing appeared on her wrist. "she's a fake?! You can do that?!" sunghoon questioned, his eyes a bit wide.

"you think you can just get away with something and expect not to be caught? no person will ever have the same symbol in the same age, no one, you're not special." My index finger slipped off her chin as she stared up at me with tears forming from her lids.

"I just wanted a symbol, and a soulmate. I didn't know I'd get the sun, " she choked out, "don't do it next time, you don't know what trouble you're going to put yourself into kid." I let my powers loose from her.

"i'm sorry. to the both of you." she apologized, jiyun didn't respond but just glanced over at her silently, while jungwon did the same, as he was clearly disappointed by her actions, she couldn't stand by the pressure of the two, so she left with tears.

I glanced over to the four of them, "when I'm not there, you guys have to learn to use your screwed up heads." my tone serious, taken over with anger. I only glanced for a few seconds before taking my leave, letting them get to school.


"baby." I called over to her, just as she turned to face me, her cheeks turned scarlet, her eyes breaking contact with mine. my lips curved up, watching her as she ambled through the pavement silently.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, resulting her back to crash against my chest. there was other students who could clearly see what was going on, but that didn't stop me.

I intertwined my hands with hers, letting the symbols shine brightly. she shifted her eyes below to where our wrists were, back up at me and faintly smiled.

I observed how some of the students smiled as well, and it was a good feeling. A really good feeling. "don't push it hoon, I'm tired." she yawned, and rubbed her eyes to prevent herself from getting more tired.

she was not a morning person, that's for sure. I chuckled softly, and once we've made it to class, she sat in her seat and was already asleep.

I bend to her height, placing a kiss on her forehead head, while the others teased me, I just winked along with a smile. before getting into my seat, and letting the teacher begin class.


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