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late at night, and Sunghoon hasn't come home. I was a bit impatient, because with my parents making me stay at his house, there's no one else to talk to, and it's an unsettling feeling when I'm home alone. chaeyeon was out with her soulmate, his parents weren't home either, so it was just me and me alone.

it was 12 am, and I heard the door open. I heard someone coming up the stairs, just as the door opened. there was again, soaking wet, his leather jacket covered in droplets of rain.

I stared at him, and not in a good way. "I called you thousands of times. and I was alone, where were you?"

"playing soccer. I'm sorry baby." he cupped my jaw in which I yanked his hand away. "I don't need your sorry." I frowned, Hoon's lips curved up a bit. He got into the sheets and hugged me, my body shivering from how cold his jacket was.

"get off me! Idiotic jerk you're getting me cold with your wet jacket!"

he slid off his shirt, and leather jacket. laying around shirtless, "pass me that shirt right there love." he pointed at the vermillion colored t-shirt that was folded in a neatly manner on his desk.

I grabbed it, giving it to him. he put it on, then slid his arm around my waist, bringing me into his embrace.

my arms wrapping around him, my head snuggling into his chest. how did i get so close to him in a matter of months? the moment I let my moments loose was the moment I realized how much I wanted to be loved, I didn't want to distance myself because I was afraid of getting hurt.

"hoon." my tone, soft but guilty at the same time. he looked down at me, "hmm? so?"

"i'm sorry, I'm sorry I made for suffer for weeks because I was afraid of having a soulmate, of being loved, and thinking all you'd do was hurt me and treat me badly, I let you roam around with your heart hurting like that for days, I caused you a lot of pain." silent tears streaming down my cheeks, and when sunghoon felt the drop hitting his arm, he looked down to see me, my eyes flooding with tears.

he wasn't used to seeing my like this, he was used to seeing me rock hard, he gently placed his lips on mine, then on my forehead and just played with the strands of my hair on the front. "don't be, I gave you pressure too, and honestly most soulmates had that problem with each other, I was also being a jerk to you the whole time, I understand why you weren't ready, so don't apologize."

soulmates always have something to learn from each other, whether if they had hatred for each other, whether they don't know each other, learning about them and being close is what helps the connection get strong.

one wasn't ready, and one was ready. the outcome was resulting them both in pain, but using psychical contact to relieve each other's pain, in the end they had to love each other, to remove the pain.

that's what soulmates are.


this book will end soon ☹️

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