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"This can't be possible" Sunghoon once again connected our wrists together and still it was shining like a beauty in unison. My face fell agape as for Sunghoon who's heart raced from the unexpected bombshell.

"You're fire...enchanted fire..." he glanced over at me with a look. My lips began to quiver, "You're ice..." I gulped down the big lump in my throat, this was unbelievable. It was the least expected thing to ever happen but here it is, happening right this moment.

That's why my wrists were shining that day, I bumped into Sunghoon...


Sowon's face turned crimson, her hands pressed against Sunghoon's chest pushing him out of her sight. She quickly stood up and ran up the stairs leaving Sunghoon dumbfounded and in pain from the harsh push.

"How is it possible?!? How could she be my soulmate?! I have to love her in the future, be with her Night and day for the rest of my life" . Sunghoon thought about it and it finally came into his mind...it finally made sense.

Jay said if he was fated with fire then fire would disappear, but if it's with ice...ice can't put our fire and fire can melt ice quickly, but Sowon has enchanted fire. Heeseung said no one in this school would have such a rare element but there she is.

Enchanted can slow the process of melting ice, taking slower time for the ice to melt. The moment the ice melts, is the moment we die. Which will probably be in a long, long time. Because the ice isn't just a small cube that you put it your drinks.

It's like a glacier. That's why we're fated together...It all made sense now.

It took him a long time to figure it out, why she's his fated one...his opposite. Sunghoon gripped his hair in frustration, "Sowon...out of everyone why does it have to be you." He cursed to himself.

Sunghoon picked himself up from the cold floor and walked to his bedroom, his life is going to change now. He's finally found his other half.


After the discovery the two made last night the morning became awkward for them. Sunghoon took a seat next to Sowon at the dining table, their wrists began to shine brightly, the light was so intensely bright that everyone was able to notice it.

"S-Sowon....S-Sunghoon..." Jiyun pointed at their wrists, her arms shaking from nervousness. All of the boys had their jaws dropped open.

"Holy shit." Jay breathed out, covering his mouth from what he just witnessed.

"This can't be real..." Jake stared at the two shining wrists. "Well look who got paired up together." Sunoo snickered, trying his hardest not to laugh along with Jungwon who was trying his hardest to keep in his laugh.

"Well this is...unexpected." Heeseung cleared his throat staring at the two who's cheeks had turned scarlet.

"You guys aren't surprised though...when did you find this out?" Ni-ki tilted his head.

Sunghoon sighed, "I was at the kitchen late night, it was really dark. Then I felt someone touch me and I lost it, I ended up tripping on Sowon and that's when we found out. Last night."

"So what are you guys going to do?" Jungwon eyes grew teary from still keeping in that laugh. Sunghoon glared, "you know what just let it out."

Jungwon bursted out laughing, slamming his fists on the table hardly. He really couldn't control himself. Heeseung shook his head at the younger one.

Jiyun chuckled, "Are we going from enemies to lovers or what?"

"No. Screw off." I faced Sunghoon. "You first." Sunghoon snapped back.

"You know you guys have to live off kisses,hugs and this and that in the future right? You can't just tell each other to screw off."

"Then I'd rather kill myself. I was never afraid of dying, I was ready to face it. I shouldn't have gone to the kitchen last night or else I could've waited until death came to me." I put my head down.

"What about Sunghoon?! He's going to die too if you face death!" Jungwon nudged me, I yanked his arm off of me.

"Should I care if he dies? I bet the world would be very glad for what I did."

"There is nothing you can do now, death won't even accept you until you grow old and have a natural death. You found your soulmate you can't do anything to yourself anymore."

"I don't want to talk about this, I'm going to school." I sat up from my seat, leaving the house.


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